
Tekeli has no free land for tourism development

- Almaty Region
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But Akim assured that he will solve the problem

Issues of development of the tourism industry became the main topic of discussion at the reporting meeting of the director of the branch of Tekeli. The head of the Regional Council Rimma Salykova noted that Tekeli has a unique nature and climate, but in spite of this, the area has not become a place of tourist flow. Akim Bakhtiar Unerbaev was appointed two months ago, he said that the sphere of tourism is a priority, but at the moment there is no free land for the construction of tourism facilities. The same opinion is shared by entrepreneurs. According to them the land issue is an obstacle to entrepreneurial activities in this area. Unerbaev assured that the city administration is already working on resolution of the issue and in the near future will make every effort to achieve results.

In addition, the local authorities put a task to strengthen business support in the field of agriculture. The one-industry town is best known for its location on the site of a large polymetallic deposit, and is considered a unique industrial area.

At the meeting, Akim Bakhtiar Unerbaev also noted that between the local Chamber and akimat was formed a good tandem.

"Two years ago, when I came to myself, personally I saw the well adjusted work of the Chamber, a special attitude towards entrepreneurs. Here they benefit from new roads for development, helping to get the financial resources to build a direct operation without breaking laws. At the same time there is a very good relationship with government agencies. Alley of entrepreneurs appeared in the city through understanding and business support. I have been working for two months, and during the reporting meetings I got convinced that there are no global issues. Everything here can be solved here", - he said.

The director of the branch Turysbek Zhumadilov spoke about the results of the work. So, 20 appeals were submitted within the line of protection of the rights of entrepreneurs in the last year (including 3 administrative barriers), all were resolved positively. It should be noted that all solved problems were associated with the receipt or re-registration of the site. Branch has succeeded in training. Last year, for the first time a new specialty was introduced in Kazakhstan - "Operator of shredders - Miller" at the University of Central Asia. In this period 19 people were trained and received a certificate of successful completion.

"Last year the training project "Business Advisor" became special. So, out of 49 potential entrepreneurs 25 people – were hearing-impaired people, people with disabilities of 2 and 3 groups. Courses with surdo-translation were conducted for them for the first time in Kazakhstan. It was a personal initiative of the Chamber, and it has produced results. So, for example, Olga Ryzhkova won a state grant and started her own businesses. The woman is engaged in manufacturing of decor items, gifts and toy dolls", - shared Turysbek Zhumadilov.

Specialists of customer service support presented business 940 services to Tekeli residents and developed 40 business plans to participate in government programs. In addition, the farm "Kazhenov" with the project for the processing and storage of apples is included in the regional development map.

"Speaking about the results of the work, I would like first of all to thank the entrepreneurs, thanks to which runs our subsidiary, developing our region", - said the head of the branch.

After the presentation, the entrepreneurs expressed their views and suggestions to further improve the activities of the branch. In general, entrepreneurs positively evaluated the work of the director and did not want to force down rates. According to the director of the Chamber of entrepreneurs Lyazzat Chinkisbaeva, cooperation of the branch and the Prosecutor's Office must be brought to a new level and to strengthen collaboration.

After discussion the branch of the Chamber of Entrepreneurs of Tekeli and Justice Department signed a memorandum on mutual cooperation. The parties noted that the memorandum should contribute to strengthening legal assistance and to efficient resolution of issues.

At the end the prosecutor of the town Damir Karashev and entrepreneurs were awarded letters of appreciation for their contribution to the strengthening of the business community.


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