
Entrepreneurs offer to establish a register of potential Chinese investors

- Almaty Region
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The list of these investors should ensure the transparency and efficiency of cooperation

These and other questions in the field of cooperation were voiced by the director of the Regional Chamber of Entrepreneurs Lyazzat Chinkisbaeva at the international round table "The docking of the Economic Belt of the Silk Road and "Nurly Zhol": status and potential for development", organized by the Institute of World Economics and Politics under the Foundation of the First President of Kazakhstan - Leader of the nation together with the Consulate General of China in Almaty.

Lyazzat Chinkisbaeva talking about the nuances of the Kazakh-Chinese relations, said the Chinese side must review the practice of the state guarantee for the project.

"During work with investors, we are faced with the fact that the Chinese partners require a guarantee of the state to the project. Each business project - is a big risk, in this case how can the state give a guarantee to the investor? In addition, the profit remains with the investor, the state does not take away income. And in general, this procedure is big and time consuming. In connection with the preparation of the guarantee, the business project may already be unprofitable. So we need to move away from this practice", - said Chinkisbaeva.

She also drew attention of the consulate general and the business community on China's selective attitude to the Kazakhstani projects. According to the director of the regional Chamber for the transparency purpose, it is necessary to establish a register of Chinese potential investors.

"China is very interested in our eco-friendly products, our farmers are ready to supply and do not refuse from cooperation. But we saw the selective attitude of Chinese entrepreneurs. Not everyone has access to the Chinese market. Since their government has identified a number of Kazakhstani companies that may import products. So, China is working with the best producers. Why we should not apply this experience ?! For example, when Chinese investors approach us, we conduct meetings and talks with any of them and organize meetings with the leaders of the region, entrepreneurs, sign agreements and memorandums. But it often happens that the company's visit to Kazakhstan is the last. After that, trust falls, there are reputational risks, domestic entrepreneurs will no longer percept as partners next investors. Therefore we offer the Chinese side to determine the roster of potential, proven, real investors, for our entrepreneurs to work directly with them and not with intermediaries", - said the head of the Chamber.

In addition, the head of the Regional Chamber addressed to the Consul General of China in Almaty, Mr. Zhang Wei with a proposal to highlight actively successful ventures with Chinese participation. But they, according to the consulate in Kazakhstan, there are more than 2,600 companies.

"Today there is a lot of negative information about Chinese enterprises. The media actively discusses topics of artificial production of products, the destruction of cultivated areas in different countries. After these facts farmers are unlikely to want to work. So maybe the consulate should actively promote the successful experience of the Kazakh-Chinese companies? "- Said L. Chinkisbaeva.

At the round table the Consulate General voiced four main directions in the activity. This is - an active relationship to study the development of tourism and business cooperation, the development of agricultural areas of projects, cultural cooperation, strengthening of security. Regional representatives noted that in matters of co-operation the specificities of each region should be taken into account.

We also learned that after the visit of the representatives of the Chamber of entrepreneurs in technical and polytechnic educational organizations in the province Gonsyu in 2016, the parties agreed on the allocation of a special quota for Kazakh students from poor families to study in Chinese universities. And this fall, it is planned to hold the next forum of business women of China, Almaty region and business women of other regions of Kazakhstan. Previously, such a large-scale forum was held in ICBC "Khorgos" between the Council of Business Women of Almaty region and business women town of Horgos, by the results of which have been signed a memorandum on cooperation.

An international round table was dedicated to the 25th anniversary of the establishment of formal diplomatic relations between Kazakhstan and China. The event was attended by leading representatives of expert, cultural, educational and business communities of Kazakhstan (Almaty, East Kazakhstan, Zhambyl, South Kazakhstan regions) and China.


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