
Priority – to the local manufacturer

- Pavlodar Region
6920 просмотров

At the site of the regional Chamber of Entrepreneurs was held a regular meeting of the working group on public procurement

The theme of the consideration became public procurement in the construction sector and housing and communal services.

Deputy Director of the RCE for Economic Affairs Serik Abiltaev, opening the meeting, pointed out that one of the priority tasks of the Chamber of entrepreneurs, is to support the local producers. And here it is of great importance the promotion of products of wide consumption and industrial and public use goods.

A good tool for local producers is to participate in the system of public procurement of goods and services. To this end, RCE established a working group that regularly organizes meetings of producers and consumers in the region. The Chamber of Entrepreneurs maintained registry of local producers, which is constantly updated. In addition, customers are also informed about the potential suppliers among domestic producers.

According to Serik Abiltaeva the pace of housing construction actively increases in the region. Accordingly, the meeting was attended by representatives of housing and utilities, the construction sector in the region. In particular, LLP "INTERPLASTICA”, LLP “Arinvest”, LLP NPK "Light", LLP firm "Dendro" presented its products .

According to the results of the meeting the working committee decided together with the Department of construction to hold a meeting with developers, where domestic producers will present their products in the construction industry. In turn, RCE will monitor contracts concluded after a meeting of the working committee.

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