
The committee of nuclear and power surveillance and control abolished licensing procedures

- Almaty Region
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Since 2015 CNPSC initiated reforms to improve the business environment

According to the Head of the Committee of nuclear and power surveillance and control of Almaty region Murat Ulekov at a round table, which was organized for explanation of the procedure for connecting to the electricity networks and the norms of legislation at the Chamber of entrepreneurs, last year were approved normative values of the indicators of power supply reliability, as well as rules for their determination. The average number of outages per customer in the electricity network is defined as 4.0. at the legislative level were also approved indicators of reliability of power supply and was introduced administrative responsibility of energy transmission organizations for exceeding the specified parameters. For example, exceeding the approved power supply reliability indicators is punished by a fine of 125 MCI.

In addition, the head of the department informed the entrepreneurs about the reforms taken to improve the position of Kazakhstan in the rating “Doing Business”.

"According to the World Bank's international rating “DoingBusiness-2017 ", Kazakhstan took 75th place by the indicator "Connection to the power supply", improving its result by 27 positions compared to 2016. In the overall ranking of Kazakhstan has also improved its position in the ranking, taking 35th place from  190. We managed to achieve such a result after making a number of changes in the legislation in the field of electric power industry", - said Murat Ulekov.

For example, two authorization procedures for connecting to the electricity network were abolished and significantly reduced the terms of issue of technical conditions for connection to the electricity system, the terms of approval of design decisions of consumers with power transmission companies, as well as periods for electricity contract.

The issuance of technical conditions for connection of consumers to electric networks with an installed capacity of electrical installations up to 200 kW for entrepreneurs reduced from 14 to 5 working days. It is also possible now within three days to agree on the design solutions with energy transmission / supplying organization and sign a contract for the supply of electrical energy. Previously these procedures lasted 20 and 7 days.

"There was removed the need to obtain a permit for construction and installation works at the Department of state architectural and construction control and permission to connect to the power grids, which was previously granted by the Committee of Power Supervision and Control. This procedure is transferred to a notification procedure.

The notification shall be sent electronically through the Centers for Servicing Population or by means of electronic licensing site, the launch of the construction and installation work on connection to the grid power supply of technically simple objects, in accordance with the amendments, shall be entitled to notify the designer ", - said the head Department.

After thorough clarification entrepreneurs were able to ask questions and to make suggestions. The businessmen said that there are unresolved questions about the location of power lines on land and protected areas.

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