
The Light in the Darkness

- City of Astana
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Support of blind and visually impaired people in employment

LLP “Metropolitan business school” and the Public Foundation "Charity Fund" Aspan Arystany" founded a corporate fund "The Light in the Darkness" and launched the movement with the same name to support the blind and visually impaired people and their employment. Experts, who were invited from Germany, taught visually impaired to conduct training on the basics of business: business planning, project management, communication, leadership, team building. At first, the "special" coaches will conduct training under the guidance of mentors, and then they will be fully self-sufficient. Audience of such training the light in the darkness – are sighted people, entrepreneurs and any interested people, who want to acquire new knowledge in an unusual format, to know themselves and to help people with disabilities in self-realization.

"I, as the founder of the business school, always look for new ideas. I saw this idea as "training in the darkness". It is interesting, and there is a large social component. Over the years, the more professional a person becomes, the more he wants to be useful to the society. So I thought, wow, this project should be done not only as a commercial, but as a large-scale movement, which would really help this category of people", - said the head of LLP “Metropolitan business school” Ainagul Akhmetova.

In order not only to tell, but also to show, and to be more precise, let people feel the essence of the project, an interactive exhibition was organized in Astana, to which were invited entrepreneurs, representatives of charitable funds, blind society and all concerned. The event began in the pitch darkness. A special room was equipped for this, participants were asked to hand over the mobile phones. The effect of a few minutes in complete darkness stunned everyone: basically, all felt the discomfort, anxiety, some suffered from feats of claustrophobia. A couple of people could not stand it and went out of the room. After a while in the darkness the music started - people with disabilities, the visually impaired people sang, playing at the same on the guitar and keyboards. Then those present heard the voice of the project participants. Future visually impaired coaches promised to be guides in this world of darkness. And their mentors from Germany Stefan Hench and Felix Schulthess explained that the darkness - it is a different world with a special energy, where everything is perceived differently. It is important to work in a team, helping each other, as in any organization. In addition, due to the fact that people are not distracted by their gadgets, some visual images, they can fully concentrate on what they hear, and learn as much information as possible. "We are trying to instill a hundred percent attention and team spirit in the organizations over the years in different trainings. But this is all theory, we all understand in theory. And then we get into the darkness and realize that, in addition to practice, nothing exists. I think that with these opinions we go back out and let us work better, to give better results, and also begin to appreciate each other's voice and the fact that we're talking", - said Hench.

"For me, it's all new, very interesting to learn new skills. At first I doubted my abilities, it was a little scary, and then, when we were shown, as it happens, the fear began to pass", - said in an interview the next business coach Farkhat Katrenov.

The question whether he would like to open a business in the future, the young man replied with confidence: "Absolutely. It is a matter of time. I would like not only to be an entrepreneur, but also a benefit to society, for example, to take people with disabilities in our team. Because is very difficult to find a job for these people now and to live on benefits - it is unreal", - he said.

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