
It’s high time to cooperate

- Almaty Region
8527 просмотров

EIS will present an authorized representative for the protection of the rights of entrepreneurs

Cooperation of the Chamber of Entrepreneurs and Economic Investigation Service (EIS) of the State Revenue Department of Almaty region goes to a new level. The organizations signed a memorandum of co-operation in the field of support and protection of small and medium business in the region.

For prevention of offenses and effective resolution of business issues between the Chamber and the local executive and state bodies were signed various kinds of agreements. This helps to protect business law, there is an active enterprise support. Currently, the Chamber of Entrepreneurs signed an agreement on mutual cooperation with akimat of the region, the prosecutor's office, the Department of the Agency for Civil Service Affairs and Anti-Corruption, the State Revenue Department, Department of Justice, Department of the Committee for Consumer Protection, Centers for servicing population, NPTs, the party "Nur Otan".

According to the deputy head of the State Revenue Department Daulet Akylbekov, the memorandum should improve the position of bodies within the line of business protection.

"The agreement is designed to improve the business climate, the rule of law in business and protect the interests of honest entrepreneurs. Joint and coordinated actions contribute to the development of an institutional framework for growth and further development of business in the Almaty region ", - said Akylbekov. He talked about measures adopted by the Department to detect violations in the field of pseudo-entrepreneurship, and the initiated criminal cases. Thus, according to this article there were registered 16 facts of arrests, all the cases are sent to the court.

Department for the protection of the rights of entrepreneurs and reduction of administrative barriers to business of the Chamber was asked a number of questions on the appeals of entrepreneurs and there were made proposals for the rule of law in the application and compliance with procedural rules when considering business issues.

During the meeting, the director of the Chamber of Entrepreneurs Lyazzat Chinkisbaeva spoke about the work done and the tasks on protection of the rights of entrepreneurs. Last year, only the legal unit of the Chamber registered 636 complaints, most of which were resolved positively. Experts participated in 155 trials, of which 108 judicial decisions (70%) were made in favor of business. During all this time the Chamber was able to save more than 1.1 billion tenge in the pockets of entrepreneurs. An important role in solving problems plays a regional unit of the Commissioner for the Protection of the rights of entrepreneurs.

In addition, Lyazzat Chinkisbaeva noted that cooperation should not be limited only by signing of the document, as it requires systematic.

"We need to work with you on prevention. For example, we established an effective partnership with prosecutor’s office, the attitude of entrepreneurs has changed towards this body. There are representatives of this body, which, in fact, every day actively participate in the round table discussions on problematic issues of business at the Chamber. We would also like to use the experience of successful practice with prosecutor’s office, and we ask economic investigation service to appoint an authorized representative to protect the rights of entrepreneurs. We need to do a lot of work in this direction", - said the head of the Chamber.

Deputy Head of the State Revenue Department in Almaty region Daulet Akylbekov assured: EIS is open to work together and can present its representative for the protection of the rights of entrepreneurs.


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