
Business and state officials: less confrontation

- Aktobe Region
7309 просмотров

A working group, consisting of employees of the Regional Chamber of Entrepreneurs and the Department of Emergency Situations will be created in Aktobe

This measure is adopted in the framework of the signed memorandum of cooperation, as well as for rapid resolution of problems of entrepreneurs in their appeals against unlawful actions of civil protection agencies. It should be noted that the memorandum was signed in 2014.

Today the leaders of the two institutions signed an action plan for this year to implement the clauses of the memorandum on cooperation within business protection.

In his speech, Head of the Department of Emergency Situations Baurzhan Syzdykov told businessmen on activities for the implementation of effective mechanisms of methodological assistance, strengthening the work on the establishment of feedback with businessmen, the procedure for providing public services and for issuing permits in the area of ​​civil protection. He noted that the signing of this memorandum is also important psychologically to change the habitual attitude of entrepreneurs to the regulatory authorities as to some barriers.

"Indeed, the confrontation between entrepreneurs and state bodies becomes smaller, and this is obvious, - said the director of the Chamber of Entrepreneurs Nurlybek Mukanov. - Of course, the control and monitoring functions are required, especially when it concerns the safety of people, but at the same time it is necessary to improve the system of licensing procedures, so that they are based on the principles of constructiveness, transparency and effectiveness of joint activities".

In the framework of the memorandum on an ongoing basis will be held joint meetings, round tables with participation of representatives of state bodies, business community and entrepreneurs. In addition, there will be a prompt response to appeals of businesses and staff of DES and RCE will arrange meetings with entrepreneurs.


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