
Labelling of fur: will take place, but later

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Launch of fur labelling system in Kazakhstan was postponed to a later date

Scheduled for January 2017 launch of the fur labelling system in Kazakhstan is delayed due to the need for ratification of the law on the extension of the Agreement on the implementation of the pilot project for the introduction of labelling control characters.

As it is well known, the implementation of a pilot project of labelling was planned for 2015-2016. However, taking into account that the project was not timely and fully implemented in all the Member States of the Union, it was decided to extend it.

So, in the course of the Eurasian Intergovernmental Council on 27-28th of October 2016 in Minsk was signed a protocol on the extension of the Agreement on the labelling of fur products until the end of 2018. Also, on the initiative of NCE "Atameken", there was adopted the Order of the Intergovernmental Council decided to conduct the analysis of the pilot project for the introduction of labelling, by the results of which it is necessary to submit a joint report of the Eurasian Economic Commission and the Member States of EAEU by the condition on December 31, 2017.

However, according to the RK legislation, the Protocol must undergo the procedure of ratification, after which will be approved the internal rules for the implementation of the pilot project for 2017-2018.

Taking into account that the ratification process consists of several stages, the launch of the labelling system in Kazakhstan was postponed to a later date.

However, the Department of Economic Integration of NCE reminds that labelling of fur products - it is the application control identification signs (CIS) on goods, the aim of which is to support healthy competition and fight against "grey" businesses. The procedure applies only to business activities related to the production, importation and sale of fur products.

Requirements for the labelling of products are used in the following cases:

when importing goods from third countries;

in production (sewing) fur products in the Republic of Kazakhstan;

cross-border trade (import / export of the EAEU Member States);

in commission trade;

when marking the remnants of the goods;

when using CIS for the goods returned (exchanged) by customers;

when using CIS for the products in which CIS is broken or lost.

Garments, pieces of clothing and clothing accessories made of natural fur (Group HS 4303) marketed on the territory of the Eurasian Economic Union (Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Armenia, Kyrgyzstan) shall be labelled.


Products made of mink, nutria, fox, fox, rabbit, hare, raccoon, sheepskin and other types of fur shall be labelled.

In the event that products are made only from natural fur lining or if the fur is attached on the outside, they also need to label (provided that the product is covered by a group HS 4303).

Clothing, in which fur acts as a decoration (collar, lapels, cuffs, fringe pockets), and gloves, mittens, mitts and hats made of natural fur are not subject to labelling.

We pay entrepreneurs’ attention that since the launch of the labelling on the territory of Kazakhstan only fur products with applied control characters can be in turnover.

Currently NCE RK "Atameken" continues to work to refine the quantity of unsold products (residues) for the settlement with the Banknote Factory of the National Bank of Kazakhstan the issue of manufacturing the required number of control characters in order to avoid their shortage.

In this context, "Atameken" encourages entrepreneur to conduct an inventory of the remnants of fur products and provide information about the number of unsold goods to the regional chambers of entrepreneurs or directly to the Department of Economic Integration of NCE.

In addition, we remind businesses that today it is necessary to register with GS1 Kazakhstan Association on the organization's website

You can get more detailed information regarding the labelling of fur products in the Republic of Kazakhstan by following link:

The Department of Economic Integration of NCE permanently monitors the launch of the pilot project and labelling of fur products and will inform about the changes on the official website of the Chamber.

For clarifications on the implementation of the project on labelling of fur products, please contact the DEI of NCE RK "Atameken" by phone: 8 7172 91 93 73 or e-mail:

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