
From crop production to horse breeding

- North-Kazakhstan Region
9646 просмотров

Farmers are willing to support the President's proposal, especially in terms of increased investment in agricultural research

LLP "Alem NB" of Kyzylzhar district is engaged in cultivation of grain. Breeding problems are familiar to them. However, despite this, the company is confident about the future. Recently, thanks to the government business support programs, the partnership received a loan in the amount of 10 million tenge for the purchase of horses, livestock.

"We have seriously set for breeding of horses a month ago, we brought livestock that we purchased from local farmers. We wanted to try something new, and now we are determined to breed horses. Over time, we will start sale. Soon we will buy another three stallions that will help to improve the genetics of animals. We did not think about particular breed, but we will buy only Kazakhstani ones. We do not need foreign horses", - says livestock breeder Isen Sarsekeev.
Employee of LLP calls the main benefit of horse breeding is long-term grazing opportunity. "Animals may be in the field until November or December. In total 2-3 months they have to be kept and get additional forage", - said the livestock breeder.

The loan - it is the first for LLP, so they worry about regular payments. "Payment of the loan, of course, is a heavy burden, especially when the profits are not yet yielded. And the first results of horse breeding in the form of profit, we feel only on the 5th year of operation. Financial assistance we hope to receive from the grain crops. In general, like any other farmer, we hope for land, weather and nature as a whole", - says Isen Sarsekeev.
Within the framework of the implementation of the Presidential Decree on support and development of small and medium-sized businesses the Kyzylzhar District Branch of the Chamber of entrepreneurs is actively working on state support for potential and existing entrepreneurs.
930 consultations were provided in 2016 within the program "Business Road Map-2020" "Employment Road Map - 2020", related to the state support and business development, as well as more than 200 legal advices. With the assistance of the staff of the branch, 11 projects were implemented, totaling more than 37.9 ml. tenge.


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