
Who will give guarantees to private education?

- Pavlodar Region
7451 просмотров

Problematic issues in the provision of paid educational services were considered at the site of the Regional Chamber of Entrepreneurs

Head of Human Capital Development of RCE Bakhytzhan Ilyasov said that one of the main tasks of the Chamber is a comprehensive support and development of entrepreneurship. However, now the business, providing paid educational services, has the problem due to the fact that private institutions are not fully involved in the preparation of the state educational order for training specialists. That is, it turns out that even in the presence of significant investments on the part of business, non-state educational institutions do not have guarantee participation in the annual educational order.

"This problem is acute for most private organizations, which naturally has a negative impact on the provision of regional companies with human resources ", - complained Bakhytzhan Ilyasov.
In turn, the participants, and it is about ten private institutions, shared that the procedure for obtaining a license for the provision of educational services, which implies the acquisition of separate attached qualifications to a particular major, which takes more time and increases the cost side. On this basis, it is extremely difficult for private educational institutions to fully meet the demands of enterprises.

According to representatives of private education, good support for enterprises engaged in the dual form of education, could be in the area of ​​tax preferences. Currently, the region has a "Roadmap of dual training system", which reflects the seven sectors of the economy on 16 specialties, and there are more than 60 companies.

Another issue that complicates the work of private education, is that the approved model curricula does not completely ensure student participation in the production process of the enterprise.

Summing up the meeting, Bakhytzhan Ilyasov noted that RCE will develop solutions for voiced problematic issues. It is necessary to ensure a guaranteed annual public order for private colleges with local state bodies. In addition, proposals will be sent to NCE on the revision of the qualification requirements of educational activities, the consideration of preferences for enterprises engaged in the dual training system as well as the ratio of the standard curriculum, taking into account the production processes of enterprises.


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