
How to provide Astana with agricultural products?

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At present, 63% of the working population of the capital is employed in the field of SMEs. Astana has become the second largest taxpayer in the country

The National Chamber of Entrepreneurs of RK "Atameken” begins 2017 with a dialogue with the business community in the region. The first meeting of entrepreneurs, representatives of NCE and local executive bodies was held in Astana: there was held a conference of businessmen of the capital.

The head of NCE Timur Kulibayev noted that in terms of business opportunities today Astana steps forward in terms of development of SMEs. This is due to the creation of an attractive business climate. In what ways is this achieved? The issues raised by the business community, are immediately resolved: from 27 issues of the Roadmap 25 have been resolved. He also noted the positive experience from the presence of a master plan of Astana, showing all participants and special purpose of facilities, which facilitates orientation of entrepreneurs, what kind of business you can develop. Experience the capital can and should be used in all regions of the country, said Kulibayev.

"The Head of State in his address outlined the objectives for the development and support of business. A great rapport has already been achieved between the business community and the Government. We work hard in the last three years on the analysis of normative and legislative acts, we consider what issues need to be addressed. The questions, which the business community addresses to the Government, the Government considers them all, most of them are resolved positively ", - he said.

The Chairman of the Presidium of NCE focused on the priority issues of work of NCE in 2017.

"The first question - is the protection of the rights and interests of business. Along this line, we have a constructive work with the Prosecutor General's Office, anti-corruption agencies and other government agencies. There are positive results. Besides we are protecting those people who applie to us, we are also working on improvement of the legislation. We have already passed the law "On Permits", where everything is put together. Now the state official, who wants to make a new permit or a license shall coordinate it with the business community, the government, the deputies. I believe that now there is a very good filter, these powers were not extended", - said Timur Kulibayev.

He also said that by the instructions of the Head of State, the work on the analysis of supervisory functions of state bodies will be carried out this year. If there are 61 control and supervisory bodies in Kazakhstan now and there are and 28 thousand requirements to be met by entrepreneurs, NCE intends to reduce the number to two-thirds of it.

According to Timur Kulibayev, NCE will continue to humanize the Criminal Code. He stressed that "Atameken" conducts a dialogue with all state bodies in order to eliminate the article on pseudo-entrepreneurship this year.

 Another great set of questions concerns the improvement of the activities of the Tax Code. In the past year because of budget deficit, the tax body exceeded the plan to a trillion tenge from the usual. Considerable pressure was exerted on the business community. "Tax body puts tax claims with a margin, and then entrepreneurs have to go to court, wasting time and energy. We follow the work of the commission under the Ministry of Finance. Tax claims against the small and medium business are almost identical. We can generalize this practice. I think that this year we will see some results. In turn, NCE is working on the elaboration of its amendments to the Tax Code for simplification. Here are entrepreneurs, Associations, I urge all: if you have any suggestions, please send them to NCE", - he said to the businessmen.

The third set of issues - the state and quasi-state purchases. In Astana was compiled a list of domestic producers in the city and there is a permanent monitoring not only over the procurement of akimat structures, but also national companies. The purpose of the work of "Atameken" is to enter into long-term contracts that will enable the modernization of production of domestic producers. "I am convinced that this year we have to push this work", - said the head of NCE.

The fourth area, to which the Head of State attaches great importance - privatization. "To this day, unfortunately, assets, which are not interesting for business, were exposed. The regional chambers were instructed to review everything, utility companies that are on the balance of akimat and are interesting for business should be put up for sale. With the government, we also propose to finalize the list of companies. The task – is to bring the state's share to 15%, the rest should be offered for privatization. The government should give us the final list", - said Timur Kulibayev.

Summing up, he highlighted an effective and streamlined operation of the capital’s akimat with the Chamber, and suggested greater use of the business opportunities, offered by the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs and regional chambers of entrepreneurs.


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