
Business should act first

- Almaty Region
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Entrepreneurs of Koksu and Karatal districts are urged to be proactive

This was stated by members of the Regional Council of the Chamber of entrepreneurs of the region at the reporting meeting in Koksu District. In the village Balpyk bi businessmen listened to the report on the activities of the branch of the Chamber of entrepreneurs of Koksu and Karatal districts. Thus, the business community was able to compare the performance of the neighboring districts, to exchange experience and opinions. Moderator of the meeting, a member of the Regional Council of Koksu district, the head of LLP "Uyz May" Erbol Toktagulov also noted that this format enhances the level of interaction between entrepreneurs.

Branch Director of Koksu district Marat Bakiyev said in his report that in the past it was possible to solve a number of pressing issues of farmers.

"Tariffs for water supply, as it turned out, were among the highest in the region. After the negotiations with the department "KazVodHoza" tariff for water irrigation has been reduced from 0.52 tiyn per cubic meter of water to 0.41 tiyn. In addition, the state-run enterprise provided irregular water supply to farms, as a result the farmers harvest was on the verge of destruction. Together with the prosecutor's office, we also have eliminated this barrier", - said Bakiev. Topical issues for petroleum products, the reactivation of the regional bus station, the activities of some state bodies were considered at meetings of the District Council of Entrepreneurs, which was created in August 2016. Today the Council is represented by 12 entrepreneurs from the rural districts of the region. Interests of local business are upheld in seven consultative and advisory bodies.

One of the main indicators in the agricultural sector was the organization of a meeting between representatives of agricultural cooperatives and major shopping networks of Almaty. The result of successful negotiations: SEC "Fedor" and production and trading company "Golden Food Company" have agreed on the supply of vegetable production for this year.

Karatal district branch of the Chamber has implemented a lot of important things. According to the director of the branch Marat Kusainov within the line of the protection of the rights of business 56 appeals of entrepreneurs were resolved positively (96.5%), most of which relate to fiscal matters. "More than 2 million businesses and residents of the district have received advice on state programs, business. Escort of projects and assistance with development of business plans have borne fruit: 36 entrepreneurs received funds totaling 79.5 million tenge within various programs. For the implementation of the Roadmap of dual training seven tripartite agreements were concluded with Bastobinsk service college to train specialists in catering", - said the director of the branch.

However, according to entrepreneurs, the lack of blue collar workers is strongly felt in the area. "Now young people dream of becoming akims, and the profession as a mechanic, tractor driver, the engineer is no longer in fashion. If things continue like that, soon there will be nobody to work on the farms", - say entrepreneurs. Head of the Department of the Human Capital Development of the Chamber of entrepreneurs Almagul Ongarbaeva, commenting on this issue, called on business to act first. "You are interested more than anyone else in training. Therefore, I think that entrepreneurs themselves should first take the initiative. Because, you know exactly what labour you need  and how it should be trained. And the schools are always ready to cooperate, but it is necessary to make our offer ", - said A. Ongarbaeva.

Member of the Regional Council of Alexander Hilnichenko drew attention of the business to revitalization of the work with regional councils of entrepreneurs.

"Recently, I participated at a meeting of the Committee on the development of agro-industrial complex of the Presidium of NCE. The Chairman of the Committee Ivan Sauer said that farmers in the region are not very active on the suggestions and opinions to RLAs. This can be traced by the work of the established district councils of entrepreneurs. We, as representatives of business councils, should focus on strengthening information work among entrepreneurs of the districts, rural ares. We must meet with entrepreneurs, tell them about the state support, the work of the Chamber, but many do not know how things work. Therefore, it is necessary to intensify the work with business ", - said the head of the regional council of Eskeldi District Alexander Hilnichenko, addressing the members of regional councils of entrepreneurs.

The head of the Chamber of Entrepreneurs of Almaty region Lazzat Chinkisbaeva added that the local executive authorities should support business initiatives and reduce administrative barriers.
"Basic indicators of any region are linked to business development, which, in turn, affect the social and economic situation of the inhabitants of towns and villages. In this respect, we have a lot of good examples of cooperation between business and government. In his Address the President clearly said that there should be fewer impediments on the part of officials, and the provision of services to entrepreneurs must go on the principle of "single window", "- she said.

Akim of Koksu district Almas Adil, who participated at the meeting, he said that the support of the business remains one of the main priorities in the work of the akimat, and this year it will consider a business proposal to allocate a building for the branch of the Chamber.


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