
About business in rural areas in detail

- Pavlodar Region
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What has been done to improve the business climate? What are the problems of entrepreneurs? How does rural business live?
These and other issues were discussed at the meeting of the Regional Council of the Chamber of entrepreneurs.

Directors of regional branches of the Chamber spoke about the work done in 2016 and plans for 2017. For example, the head of the branch Zhelezinsk district Talgat Kozhamzharov shared that in the past year, the emphasis was placed on support of projects, provision of real assistance to entrepreneurs in obtaining permits, registration of land and other real estate, as well as ensuring the availability of funds. Thus, in the framework of the program of agricultural cooperation were created 2 agricultural production cooperatives, in addition, APC "Zhana zhuldyz" is a participant of the program "The concept of 50 villages". In total the branch accompanied 140 projects totaling 241.2 million tenge in 2016.

And, as it was noted by Talgat Kozhamzharov, the work of the branch did not only limit to support of the project, much emphasis is made on analytics what specifically bothers business and how the Chamber can help in tackling it. "Accompanying the specific project, our goal is not just to get the final result, namely to explore the entire process associated with the preparation of documents, and, if necessary, to make constructive suggestions for improvement. That is our role - to understand, which is especially important to entrepreneurs and on what you need to focus", - said T. Kozhamzharov.

The director of the Kachiry branch of the Chamber Musaga Omarov told members of the Regional Council that the project of breeding bees is successfully implemented in the area. To this end, two agricultural cooperatives were created with the support of the Chamber. Kachiry breeding apiary combined 13 farms for the production of honey, as well as breeding apiary Dubinin, which included three farms. According Musagit Omarov, a good tool for producers is that, joining together in cooperatives, the farmers are able to take advantage of subsidy programs in this field. However, as it was noted by the director of the branch, it is not the limit, the district has great potential for the creation of agricultural cooperatives, the work in this direction continues. For example, there was held a meeting with private entrepreneurs to explain the available privileges at the opening of roadside service, a round table with young people "Start Your Business". Do not forget about the remote rural districts. Together with representatives of the Prosecutor's Office, State Revenue Department, Department of internal affairs, labor inspectors conducted 3 exit meetings in rural districts, where considered innovations of labor legislation and problematic issues of entrepreneurs. Here members of the Regional Council made a proposal - to study further interaction is with distant villages, where residents are often poorly informed about existing programs for support of rural producers.

In Lebyazhye district there are 748 existing businesses. The director of the branch Dastan Beisembaev told about this to members of the Regional Council. According to him, 3 investment projects in the amount of 779.5 million tenge are implement in the region. For example, the farm "Altai" is implementing the project "Expansion of koumys production shop, construction of livestock facilities for horses, cattle, sheep" worth 110 million tenge. The koumys production shop was completed, the equipment was purchased, 37 heads of horses of 'Jabe' breed were purchased, 3 horses of Mugozharsk breed. Productivity – is 800 liters per day. SP "Nectar of KZ" in the framework of the project "Investments: 10 acres, 10 innovations" has acquired equipment for greenhouses. The total cost of the project - 2 million tenge. Given the specificity of the area, members of the Regional Council noted that at the present time processing of wool is an acute problem in the village. Dastan Beisembaev noted that, indeed, this issue is very important for the villagers, the branch of Lebyazhye district is supporting the investment project for the processing of wool sheepskin, which requires investment of 9 million tenge.

Shcherbakty branch of the Chamber tried to pay much attention to work with young people. According to the director of the branch Amir Baisov, agro-technical college in conjunction with the regional branch organized a tour of students to venture LLP "Arthur", STO "Pakhomov" and LLP "Shygys Zholdary". Business executives told the students a lot of interesting stories about enterprises, showed a large machine park and talked with the best specialists, as well as introduced them to the production process. In addition, on the basis of college was held a competition “Best Chef of Shcherbakty district 2016".

Summing up the meeting, Chairman of the Regional Council Rayhangul Satabayeva noted that affiliates need to step up work with the residents of remote settlements, to study in detail what hurts business, and what additional measures are needed for support.

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