
Modern training

- Atyrau Region
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Project management: what  is it?
In Atyrau, for employees of the regional Chamber of Entrepreneurs was organized an educational and training seminar on "Project Management based on PMI® PMBOK® GuideFifthEdition standard". For three days, the experts of the Chamber will become familiar with the standards and project management tools, not only in theory but also in practice, they will be able to comprehend the benefits of the project management system. The lecturer is the business coach of the Union of project managers of RK Svetlana Nurtazina.

"Project management is called "special culture of management, a professional bridge in a civilized business". It is considered a kind of way of thinking, a philosophy. A person using this knowledge, is successful in any field. Therefore, to know the tools and techniques of project management is as important as an understanding of the information technology, or a car drive", - says the coach, Ph.D. Svetlana Nurtazina.

According to her, people can use the Project Management knowledge in completely different areas of activity in relation to different types of projects. Methodology and project management tools are widely used in all areas of targeted and project-oriented activities. Implementation of project management allows a company or organization, not only to solve the current problems as efficiently as possible, but also to gain a competitive advantage through the aligned optimal control.

In turn, the experts of the Chamber expressed the view that the workshop will help them structure the existing corporate skills, gain new knowledge and experience to continue to effectively apply them in their work. In addition, each member of the audience will receive an international certificate of the Project Management Institute (PMI).

It should be noted that the Union of project managers of RK, acting as a training side, today is the only company that makes a system integrator in the field of project management, combining standardization, academic and professional training, promotion of the idea of ​​the project approach to public administration, research and business – projects, consulting. The company has all the necessary competencies and resources to provide training and consulting services on a professional level.
More than 5500 professionals from 670 companies passed vocational short-term training. Consultants, experts, business coaches certified specialists, doctors, DBA, MBA and masters in the field of project management, with practical experience in managing the company's development and project management work here.

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