
The Chinese have studied the map of the regional development of Almaty

- City of Almaty
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The participants of the Regional Map of Development were told about the possibilities of getting state support

The participants of the Regional Card Enterprise Development spoke about the possibilities of state
The round table was attended by participants of the Regional Map of Business Development, representatives of JSC "EDF" Damu ", JSC "Kaznex Invest ", the Kazakhstan Institute of Industry Development. Entrepreneurs spoke about the program "Performance 2020", ways of compensation for the financial costs, the state support of non-commodity exporters and investment preferences.
The Regional Map of Business Development was initiated by NCE RK "Atameken" in April 2016, at the same time it was presented to the Head of State. It is a unique web portal that is located in the public domain on the website This information-analytical resource aims to provide entrepreneurs access to databases about the economy and companies in the region, it is a tool for attracting foreign and domestic investments.
There has already been formed the database from 259 investment projects for 590.2 billion tenge for interaction with investors, showing all the contact information: the register of members, capabilities and needs of enterprises. Today, with the help of the map 20 projects worth 9.7 billion tenge were funded in the country, 28 worth 119 billion tenge at the state of consideration (2 projects in Almaty). In on-line mode 40 projects worth 19.2 billion tenge are in Almaty.
Today, the business portal was visited by over 1.2 million users, 10,000 unique visitors every day, 3.5 million pages were viewed. Projects of the maps aroused great interest among Chinese business circles. In the period from 19 to 24th of October 2016 under the auspices of the Kazakh Embassy in China and the representative of JSC “Kaznex Invest”, the presentation of maps were held in Beijing and Changsha, Province Hongyan. 8 participants of the maps presented their projects at the investment forum in the section dedicated to the investment opportunities of Kazakhstan. On its part the Chinese business expressed its great interest in the AIC projects, food industry, industry and tourism.
This year, the Chamber of entrepreneurs plans to introduce mechanisms for the use of the Portal as a tool for the Regional Coordinating Council in deciding on the inclusion of projects in the Industrialization Map, as well as a tool to search for territorial niches for entrepreneurs. Almaty Chamber of Entrepreneurs is working on the project support, including assistance in obtaining financial support of development institutions, second-tier banks, the market for sale of products through a variety of tools.

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