
Lazzat Chinkisbaeva: "Consultative and advisory bodies are not for formality and tick in the box"

- Almaty Region
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A number of akims were told to ensure presence of 50% of entrepreneurs in CAB

Participation of entrepreneurs in the consultative and advisory bodies (CAB) has become one of the main topics discussed at the reporting meetings of directors of the branches of the Chamber of Entrepreneurs. According to the data of the monitoring of the activities of regional CAB, businessmen and employees of the Chamber are included in 65 CAB, affecting the rights and interests of the business. A total of 109 meetings were conducted, at which 2012 issues were reviewed, 1533 issues (76%) were positively resolved in favor of entrepreneurs. However, not in all districts and towns, CAB comprise of 50% businessmen, they are not included in some committees. According to the director of the Chamber of entrepreneurs Lazzat Chinkisbaeva, due to non-compliance with the rule of law CAB turns into a formal body.

"The idea and concept of CAB – is not only in participating and signing protocols. On this site should go heated discussions, suggestions and comments should be made. However, the monitoring results show the opposite, that the work is carried out not at the proper level. Frankly speaking, CAB turns into a formality and just for a show", - she said. As it turned out, there are many cases when members of CAB are untimely notified of the meeting time, the content of the protocols is poor. But low activity of CAB members affects the entire work of the commission.

As a result a number of akims were given instructions to ensure that CAB comprise to 50% of entrepreneurs. According to Lazzat Chinkisbaeva, local executive bodies should build effective collaboration with the business.
"Ensuring the participation of entrepreneurs in CAB, local executive and state bodies will ease their work. As every entrepreneur – is an expert in a particular industry, a person who knows very well the problem, and, most importantly, the ways of its resolution", - she noted.

The head of the regional Chamber voiced questions of informing the business community.
 "Today, the presence of a smart-phone and mobile Internet is enough in order to learn about the state programs, measures of state support. In addition, social networks play the important role. If you have time to get to a round table, than put your comments, suggestions and recommendations on social networks. Today Facebook has become an online platform for discussion and development of proposals for business development. Such groups were created on Facebook for entrepreneurs, as "Atameken. Business Protection", "Dialogue with business", "Atameken. Export to Kazakhstan "," Management-Business Tourism" and others. Therefore, in the age of information, we should be aware of all, we should participate actively", - she noted.


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