
What the map will tell us?

- City of Shymkent
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Directors of regional branches of the Chamber of entrepreneurs were trained how to work with electronic map of available generation capacity

For a long time the obtaining of technical conditions for connection to the power grid was number one problem for business. As it is well known, the operation of any business object begins with the connection to the power lines. Entrepreneurs had no access to objective, publicly available information on the available free capacity and low in supply capacity of subjects of natural monopolies.
To solve this problem, the Chamber of Entrepreneurs jointly with LLP "South Zharyk Transit" in 2015, were among the first in Kazakhstan to develop and to put in place an electronic map of generation capacity.

The electronic map works in an online mode, providing exhaustive information on the energy potential of each district, town and village. It is enough to move the cursor, and the map will tell you whether there is a reserve power capacity.
Innovation greatly simplifies the task of the consumer, who decided to build, for example, a factory, a mini-shop or run other industrial production. The map allows for a few minutes to find out if a particular location has the possibility of connecting to the network and whether the existing capacity allows to build new production capacity, thus makes it possible to correctly determine the location of planned for the construction facilities, including a conventional house.

Map allows you to not only see the current situation with the spare capacity in the region, but also to predict the development plan of the complex network in the coming years. Electronic map is updated daily.
The introduction of an electronic database is cost-effective for business and eliminates corruption in this matter. It will also monitor the implementation of the investment program for replacement and renewal of generating capacity by the subjects of natural monopolies.

During the existence of the e-map, it was used by more than 100 entrepreneurs, who managed then to build facilities for the development of their business.
Entrepreneurs, wishing to obtain information about available power capacities, may apply to the Chamber of Entrepreneurs, where they will be helped by a specially trained officer, and they can address to directors of regional branches of the Chamber in districts. They all have access to work with the Map.

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