
Business with Korean sauce

- Kyzylorda Region
9754 просмотров

Kazakh-Korean center on promoting cooperation will work in partnership with the Chamber of Entrepreneurs

The director of JSC "Kazakhstan-Korean Center for the Promotion of Cooperation" Woo Jeong Hee, who arrived to Kyzylorda with a working visit, visited the Chamber of Entrepreneurs and got acquainted with its work.

First of all, the guests were presented the exhibition "Products of the Horde", in which they expressed an interest to the business of a young entrepreneur of Zhanakorgan Oraz Zhandos, engaged in sewing shoes, they say, in Korea the prices of shoes are significantly high.
Further Korean guests got acquainted with the projects included in the map of regional development.

It should be noted that in 2015 the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs "Atameken" has started to conduct studies of the development of entrepreneurship in the regions, and began the development of a special map. The database is a tool, enabling them to be fully acquainted with the business climate of the country, that is, on the map you can see the priority areas for regional industries, promising sectors for investment. It is expected that this will significantly contribute to attracting domestic and foreign investments. The map of the Kyzylorda region included 11 projects, totaling more than 80 billion tenge. When selecting projects to be included in the map, the factors of demand for the projects were taken into account, their competitiveness, contribution to the regional economy and the scope of business development.

The Map contains the following investment projects - "Production of ash soda in the Aral Sea region", "Manufacture of silica brick in Shieli disctrict", "Manufacture of plates from rice husk in the Syrdarya region", "Construction of the plant for the production of natural bottled drinking water in the village Shieli" "The organization of enterprises producing competitive lamb and products from it in Shieli district", "Manufacture of melon juice concentrates Zhanakorgan district", "Production of fiberglass pipes in Kyzylorda", "frozen cobs of super sweet corn in Kyzylorda", "Organization complex greenhouse and vegetable storage"," Manufacture of vegetable oil from safflower in Zhalagash region" and "Production of silicon dioxide and electricity in Zhalagash region".

The head of the Kazakh-Korean Center for the Promotion of Cooperation got interested in the project "Production of concentrate juice from melon products in Zhanakorgan district". Korea launched production of concentrates. In this context, the sides discussed issues of further delivery of ​​special equipment to our region, producing such concentrates.
Representatives of the Chamber of Entrepreneurs, in turn, offered the guests to conduct Korean online conference between businessmen of Korea and our business representatives for a free talk on issues of interest and further partnership. The guests took the proposal and will inform the Chamber of its decision on this matter in the near future.


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