
We - partners of business!

- Pavlodar Region
4220 просмотров

What do business thinks about the appropriateness of those or other control functions, how comfortable are the conditions for doing business?
These issues are highly relevant, since the improvement of the system of relations between business and government, creation of favorable conditions for the development of the business environment are key activities of the Chamber of entrepreneurs.

The establishment of a constructive dialogue is of paramount importance here, during which the business - community of the region can express their views on the desirability of a particular type of control and supervision, the establishment of inefficient and duplicative functions, opportunities of their transmission to self-regulatory organizations or their exclusion.

To this end, at the site of the regional chamber will be held "Open Day", where representatives of the regional prosecutor's office, local executive authorities and entrepreneurs will discuss the whole range of problems in this area.

As noted by the head of the department for the protection of the rights of entrepreneurs and reduction of administrative barriers Baimagambetova Lachin, on behalf of the Head of the State the Office Attorney General's in conjunction with the National Chamber "Atameken" conducts a large-scale revision of the supervisory functions of state bodies.

The aim of this work is to enable businesses to operate and to develop without spending significant resources to passing inspections and improving the effectiveness of supervisory functions.
In fact, the task – is to change the ideology of the whole control and supervision system in the country with simultaneous reduction of risks for the life and health of people, to shift to the modern model of control, which is called an affiliate, the service, that is to depart from the principle of inspections and punishment to clarification and assist with compliance to the requirements.
In this regard, at the site of the Regional Chamber of Entrepreneurs on 2nd of March 2017 at 15:00 at the address: Pavlodar, 21 st. Lomov 21 will be held "Open Day", to discuss the proposals of entrepreneurs.

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