
More than 11 thousand workers are needed at the enterprises of Almaty

- City of Almaty
4800 просмотров

The Chamber of Entrepreneurs of Almaty is developing a program of short-term vocational training

The analysis of the distribution of the employed population of the city of Almaty by economic activity shows that the largest share of employment accounted for 4 main sectors: wholesale and retail trade (21.9%), education (9.8%), construction (9%), industry ( 8.8%). In total, these four sectors account for about 50% of the employed population. The statistics in other fields are not impressive. Thus, as of 1st of January 2017 by the results of the completion of the program "Roadmap of employment 2020" only 102 people were sent for retraining among young workers between 18 and 24 years. The roadmap provided state grants to employers for retraining of 222 employees.

In order to reflect the real demand for labor the Chamber of Entrepreneurs of Almaty in 2016 held a traditional poll among business leaders to determine the staffing requirements. It was attended by 1,700 entrepreneurs, who shared their needs in blue collar workers. The results showed the need of the urban labor market in 11.6 thousand specialists. More than 95% of respondents highlighted the acute demand of skilled workers. In terms of industry the greatest demand on the services of workers of: food and light industry, construction, furniture manufacturing, transport, engineering and others. The group of highly sought-after professions included: drivers, mechanics, conductors of railroad passenger cars, waiters, nurses, seamstresses and designers, fashion designers, trainers and teachers of technical disciplines (mechanics, computer science, architecture, etc.).

"To adapt the resource capacity of educational institutions of Almaty to the actual demand of the labor market, set by employers, the Chamber of Entrepreneurs of Almaty together with local authorities began to develop training programs for short-term vocational training with elements of the dual training model. At the same time it will train unemployed people, wishing to learn the basics of self-entrepreneurship. This task is achievable, since according to statistics, the overwhelming proportion of the working population are citizens with higher education that significantly distinguishes the structure of the labor force of Almaty from republican figure", - said the expert of the department for the development of human capital of the Chamber of Entrepreneurs of Almaty Zhanat Estaev.

The Chamber of Entrepreneurs jointly with local authorities within the plan on the implementation of the Program of development of productive employment and large scale entrepreneurship has the ability to form a stable pool of educational organizations and adequate distribution of seats on specific schools. This group of institutions maybe joined by specialists of certification centers under sectoral employers' associations.

Today, employers' choice for the organization of the processes of preparing skilled workers and mid-level professionals is not limited. So in our city there are 82 colleges, of which 22 are public and 60 are private. Number of students in the city of Almaty colleges is 61445 people, of which 25947 people are trained at the expense of the state order. In 2016, out of 14447 college graduates 9852 were employed (68.2%), 3413 college graduates entered universities, 231 - are called up for military service in the Armed Forces of Kazakhstan, 847 - are subject to employment. To meet the needs of the labor market for workers of mid-level professionals from 2014 to 2016 the volume of state orders for VET organization has increased three times.

Real accessibility of new sources of guaranteed life and career for young people and residents of the city of Almaty will help gradually to reduce the proportion of untrained manpower with the main, secondary and primary education in the labor force, as well as will have the positive impact on the reduction of the self-employed population in the city of Almaty.


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