
The meeting "without ties" with the akim of the region

- Almaty Region
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Amandyk Batalov has met with the Regional Council of Almaty region

Conducting meetings "without ties" with the participation of akim of the region has become a kind of tradition for the Regional Council of the Almaty region. This unique project of entrepreneurs has begun last year. Back then the members of the Regional Council offered Amandyk Batalov to conduct once per quarter an informal meeting - a meeting "without ties".

This year, before the informal meeting with the Regional Council, Amandyk Batalov visited the new office of the Chamber of Entrepreneurs, which is located in the business center “Koktem Grand”. It should be noted that since the early days of establishing a regional chamber the head of the region always attaches great importance and during this visit he met with the staff and wished them success in their work.

The planned meeting "without ties" was held during a dinner and coincided with the Thanksgiving Day. Therefore, the discussion began with the words of gratitude to the representatives of the business for contribution to the economic development and welfare of the region and the country as a whole.

Akim of the region Amandyk Batalov said that according to the results of 2016, positive trends are observed in all areas of socio-economic development. For example, last year the volume of investments amounted to 529 billion tenge, with growth of 3.3%. The industries produced goods to 645.3 billion tenge. In the past year, the crops area of agricultural crops increased and reached 932.2 thousand hectares. Because of this, sugar-beet growers harvested more than 241 thousand tons of production and produced 25 thousand tons of sugar. According to Batalov, the start of Aksu sugar factory is planned for this year and a number of important sites, including greenhouses, vegetable stores, feed lots, dairy farms. Much attention will be paid to the development of the processing industry.

He also noted that the Chamber of entrepreneurs succeeded as an effective institution and always stands guard over the rights and interests of entrepreneurs. He urged members of the Regional Council to continue work on the consolidation of the business community in the area. At the meeting, members of Regional Council told about the results of last year and shared their visions for the development of the region.

Chairman of the Regional Council of Almaty region Rimma Salykova drew attention of the head of the region on the interaction of regional governors with local businesses. According to her, a weak relationship with the entrepreneurs will have a negative impact on the business environment.

"We recently traveled to areas, heard reports of district directors of branches. As practice shows, not all akims we were able to build a relationship with the business. Rural business suffers as a result of it. I think that akims should understand that not creating conditions for business, not eliminating administrative barriers, there will be no new tax revenue, new factories, hospitals, schools, roads and electricity. Therefore, I ask you Amandyk Gabbasovich to pay attention to it. District Akims as well as you need to hold informal meetings with the business community to hear from their mouths, and know the real picture of the business environment", - said R. Salykova.

According to members of the Regional Council, entrepreneurs need to create the conditions on the principle of "single window". Entrepreneurs have quoted a successful example of Mangistau region, where in 2016 appeared a House of Entrepreneurs. Amandyk Batalov noted that he also supports this idea and said that now the city administration is working on this issue. So maybe in the near future, in Taldykorgan will appear a "single window" for entrepreneurs.

In addition, a member of the Regional Council Baniyamin Fayzulin noted the staff composition of RCE, which in his opinion should be involved in public service, which will increase the efficiency of the state apparatus. Entrepreneurs also paid attention of akim to the problem of education, in particular the selective distribution of public procurement in private educational institutions.
The meeting "without ties", which lasted several hours, an outstanding productive and once again demonstrated the successful tandem between akim, the Regional Council and the Chamber of entrepreneurs. A new meeting of businessmen and Akim will take place in the next quarter at one of the core enterprises of the region.


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