
Less inspections and documents

- Almaty Region
5033 просмотров

The Emergency Committee abolished 74 permits for fire safety

 The Chamber of Entrepreneurs and the Department for Emergency Situations in Almaty region continue discussing problematic issues in the implementation of fire safety and civil defense requirements. Today, for entrepreneurs, the main normative documents are the technical regulations "General requirements for fire safety", "Fire safety rules", orders of the Ministry of Internal Affairs "On approval of criteria for risk assessment and checklists in the field of fire safety and civil defense", "Certification of non-state firefighting services for the right to conduct work to prevent and extinguish fires, ensure fire safety and conduct rescue and rescue operations in organizations, communities and facilities". The Committee for Emergency Situations conducts certification for fire prevention and firefighting, fire safety and rescue operations in organizations, settlements and facilities, registration of rescue services and formations, accreditation of expert organizations for audit. According to the deputy head of the Emergency Situations Department of the region Yury Chernyshev, in order to create favorable business conditions, during the last years the CoES canceled 74 permits in the field of fire safety. Chernyshev also told what objects are checked for fire safety and civil defense. There are about 13 thousand objects on the account of the Department, of which more than 8 thousand are subjects of private entrepreneurship. "In 2016, fire inspectors conducted 640 inspections of subjects of private entrepreneurship, 533 out of them according to a special order, 107 in unscheduled order. Thus, as a result of revision of the risk assessment criteria in 2015, 2,821 private enterprises belonging to high and medium degree of risk and located on the territory of the region are transferred to an insignificant degree. As a result, state control in the field of fire safety is carried out only with respect to objects referred to a high degree, that is, checks will be conducted at more than 2500 business entities", - he said. After the representatives of the Emergency Situations spoke, entrepreneurs asked questions about the procedure for attestation, told about the problems associated with concluding an agreement for the rescue service.

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