
Aktobe hatches and drain grids are used at EXPO-2017 facilities

- Aktobe Region
4245 просмотров

Own line for the production of a variety of linear products

LLP "Stallit" has been present on the market for 15 years already. The partnership was opened on the basis of the 17th foundry of the former Aktyubselmash plant and continued its line of production of a variety of linear products. Such familiar and everyday attributes of the life of any city, like sewers, drains, all this, and much more, are produced by the hands of thirty masters involved in production.

The shop's current capacity is about 40 tons of products per month. The Partnership closely cooperates with such organizations as JSC "Transenergo", JSC "Akbulak", JSC "Kazakhtelecom", JSC NC "Kazakhstan Temir Zholy" and others.
Since the company does not have any worthy competitors in the market of the Aktobe region and the whole of Western Kazakhstan, LLP Starlit successfully delivers its foundry products to the cities of Uralsk, Aktau, Atyrau, Pavlodar, Almaty and even to Astana.

Thus, only a few days ago a consignment of drain grids and manholes was sent for use to the facilities of EXPO-2017.
Now the shop's management intends to expand the production line. The collection of documents for issuing a loan through the JSC "FRF" Damu" is being carried out. In case of a successful solution of this issue, the production capacity of the enterprise will be increased five-fold, which will open new prospects for the company's development.


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