
About the issues of industrial safety for business

- Aktobe Region
8493 просмотров

Entrepreneurs are asking to eliminate collisions of laws in the field of industrial safety

At the Regional Chamber of Entrepreneurs was held a round table, organized jointly with the Department of Industrial Safety of the Committee for Industrial Development. Its participants discussed issues related to certification and training of personnel, inspections of enterprises. In addition, an exchange of views took place on the most topical and problematic issues regarding industrial safety in business entities. As a result, a bilateral memorandum on cooperation between the Department and the Chamber of Entrepreneurs was signed. Businessmen unanimously asked to exclude the requirements of binding contracts with a professional paramilitary rescue service. As it turned out, the checklist for industrial safety lacks such a requirement as "the existence of a contract with a professional paramilitary rescue service".

 Meanwhile, the Industrial Safety Department of the Committee for Industrial Development in the acts on the results of the inspection and in the instructions indicates as violation "the absence of an agreement with a professional paramilitary rescue service". At the same time, RSE "Professional paramilitary rescue service" is an organization subordinate to the Committee for Industrial Development and Industrial Safety. The conclusion is that the territorial Departments of the Committee for Industrial Development, presenting to entrepreneurs requirements that are not established in the checklists, thereby violate the requirements of the Business Code of the RK, said representatives of the region's business. The director of the regional Chamber of Entrepreneurs, Nurlibek Mukanov, asked entrepreneurs to provide their views on this issue in a short time so that experts could generalize them and raise the problem at a higher level. As the expert of the Chamber of Entrepreneurs of Aktyubinsk region Nurlan Makhambetov informed, heated discussions on this issue have been going on since last year. The Chamber sent the appeal to the Prosecutor General's Office of the Republic of Kazakhstan on the need to give a legal assessment of the actions of the Committee and its subunits on the presentation of claims not established in the checklists, and to take measures of public prosecutor's supervision to stop violations of the law. At the moment, the work on the elimination of gaps continues.


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