
Live broadcast on the work of the Chamber

- Zhambyl Region
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The director of the Chamber of Entrepreneurs of Zhambyl region Karlygash Aralbekova in a live broadcast presented the report on "77TV" TV channel. During the hour-long airtime, the head of the Regional Chamber answered the questions of anchorwoman and viewers about the work done for 2016 and plans for 2017. "In 2016, the Chamber of Entrepreneurs of Zhambyl Oblast received 7,459 applications, of which 7,219 are of an economic nature, 182 are of legal, and 58 are of social. Compared with previous years, there has been an increase in the number of appeals, which confirms the growing trust of the business community in the region to the work of the Chamber", - said Karlygash Aralbekova. The interest of viewers was aroused by the questions of micro-crediting - they were interested in the conditions and necessary documents for obtaining loans through MFO “Atameken Taraz”, established in 2016, which issues micro-credits to small businesses in rural areas, as well as women's businesses in the countryside. "Currently, the MFO has reviewed 34 applications for funding. The Credit Committee approved 26 applications for a total of 221.7 million KZT. Among which there is an agricultural cooperative for the cultivation of dairy cattle “ Merke Onimderi”, by the way, which was created with the support of the Chamber, agricultural cooperative "AroTau Bee Complex", projects on crop production, livestock production, bakery production, products and services", - said the director of the Regional Chamber. The work on the development of a tourist cluster in the region is important and relevant for the Chamber of Entrepreneurs of Zhambyl region, in connection with the inclusion of the region in the list of tourists visited within the framework of EXPO-2017. "The Chamber created regional and district working groups for the development of the tourist cluster, which visited 48 important tourist facilities of the region and made defective acts", - said the director of the Chamber. According to Karlygash Aralbekova, the Chamber developed and sent to the neighboring regions and countries a detailed business map of the region; developed tourist routes. The issue of training guide within the framework of the "Employment Road Map-2020" program in 2017 was solved. Initiated by the Chamber and approved by the regional akimat budget application for the development of tourism in the amount of 41 million tenge, within the framework of which the Tourist Information Center was accepted, and a tourist portal with information in four languages ​​was launched. With the assistance of the Chamber funds have been allocated for the infrastructure of tourist facilities - work has already begun in the complexes "Akyrtas" and "Tau Samali"; Annotations in three languages ​​of popular objects of the region have been compiled. At the request of travel companies, the Chamber initiated the issue of the possibility of renting tourist objects to entrepreneurs in the region. Today, three local monuments have been offered for this purpose - Karavan-Saray "Tortkul", House Museum of Academician Scriabin K.I. and previous Islam mosque. Developed by the Chamber of Entrepreneurs, measures for further development of tourism for 2016-2017 are supported by the Akim of Zhambyl region Karim Kokrekbayev, a budget application for a total of 104 million KZT was approved. Karlygash Aralbekova spoke in detail about the new tool for investors launched in 2016 - the Regional Business Development Map, which has full information on the investment environment in the region. "Currently, the Chamber of Entrepreneurs has implemented 10 projects worth 12.4 billion KZT in the spheres of tourism, agribusiness and services. According to these projects, work is under way to find potential investors, including attracting investments through financial institutions and funds. " An important direction of the Chamber's work is to increase the proportion of local content. At the initiative of the Regional Chamber of Entrepreneurs, in 2016, a Working Commission was established to monitor local content in the procurement of state bodies, national companies and enterprises of the Zhambyl region. The result of the Commission's work was an increase in the share of the use of materials, goods and services of domestic commodity producers in the Zhambyl region by 30.7%; Conclusion of eight contracts with local producers with general contractors for a total of 945.6 million KZT .; presence of 100% of Zhambyl companies in the structure of domestic suppliers-general contractors. A 3-party Memorandum of Cooperation was signed between the Chamber of Entrepreneurs, the Department of Construction, Passenger Transport and Highways of the Akimat of the region, as well as general contractors for the state-owned construction projects, which will increase the share of local content in the total volume of construction works and services. The non-financial support of business rendered by the Chamber is in great demand among regional businessmen. "The business support centers operate in 10 districts of Zhambyl region and 20 863 services to 6189 customers provided in the town of Shu. 823 projects were escorted by regional consultants, of which 565 projects for the amount of 2254.6 million KZT. Positive results were achieved in terms of financing and obtaining permits for business. According to the project "Business Advisor", 915 trainees were trained, 120 people were trained within the frames of the project “Business Growth”, 65 people were trained in project training with application of mentoring principles. In 2016, within the framework of service support, 4155 services were rendered to 2987 subjects of small and medium-sized businesses. Within the component "Business Relations" applications were submitted and 21 subjects of small and medium business were trained. Within the component "Senior  Professionals" in Zhambyl region, three missions were conducted by two experts from Canada. Within the framework of the program "Road map of employment 2020" 372 participants were trained in the basics of entrepreneurship. In the framework of the School of Young Entrepreneurship, 69 participants were trained", - said Karlygash Aralbekova, summarizing the work in this direction. The most important priority was and still is to protect the rights and legitimate interests of entrepreneurs. In 2016, the Legal Unit of the Chamber of Entrepreneurs of Zhambyl region received 182 applications from businessmen on issues of legal protection, 22 lawsuits were conducted with the participation of representatives of the Chamber, 80% of which were decided in favor of entrepreneurs for a total of 38.7 million KZT. Over the past year, five meetings of the Council for the Protection of the Rights of Entrepreneurs of the Chamber of Entrepreneurs of Zhambyl region were held, where 11 problematic issues were considered. In 2016, mobile groups for the protection of entrepreneurs' rights under the prosecutor's office of the region, which includes representatives of the Chamber received 6 business signals regarding illegal actions of state bodies and organizations, two of which were confirmed and appropriate measures were taken on them. From successful examples, she named prevention of more than 100 illegal business checks jointly with the regional prosecutor's office; initiation of amendments to the law for the release of health resorts from the payment of millions of taxes on the extraction of minerals; putting on the level of the General Prosecutor's Office of the Republic of Kazakhstan solution of the systemic problem of fuel retailers who have become counterparts of a false enterprises, their exemption from payment of over 230 million tenge only VAT. Good results have been achieved by the Human Capital Development Department, which actively interacts with business, colleges and schools. For the year of 2016, 31 colleges entered the Road Map for the dual system of education in the region. 992 three-party and 161 four-sided contracts were concluded with 251 enterprises for 29 qualifications. Two contracts on patronage with enterprises have been signed; 195 mentors from enterprises are assigned to students on the dual system of training; two training centers were opened at the enterprises. The department studied the needs of 291 enterprises, 144 farms and 16 state bodies in the training of personnel, which amounted to 2711 places, of which 2,531 places are included in the state educational order for the training of personnel for work specialties for 2016-2017 school year. Last year the Council of Businesswomen was quite active, having branches in all regions, uniting under one wing 90 women entrepreneurs of the region. As a result of the meetings held by the Council in the regions, the number of women benefiting from non-financial support has significantly increased: if in 2015 there were 701, then by the end of 2016 - 1126; 296 women learned the basics of business and upgraded their skills; 10 projects for the amount of 30.5 million KZT were implemented under the "Business Road Map" program, 18 jobs were created; 79 projects for 241.2 million KZT were approved under the "Road map of employment" and 112 jobs were created; In the agribusiness sector, 71 businessmen received preferential loans for 315.8 million KZT, 95 jobs were created. Priority of the work of the CBW for 2017 was the holding of the EXPO-2017 exhibition in the region, in connection with which, CBW, the Zhambyl Association of the Tourist Industry and the Tourist Information Center concluded a Memorandum of Cooperation. CBW created the Sectoral Group for the Development of the Tourism Industry. According to the director of the Chamber of Entrepreneurs, the work continues in all priority areas in 2017, in addition, the Chamber intends to focus on the development of agricultural cooperation, in connection with the small-scale agricultural business in the region and with the aim of increasing volumes, reducing production costs, etc. We will continue active cooperation with EuroChem, the largest producer of mineral fertilizers in the world, realizing an investment project - the construction of a mining complex in the Sarisu district, on the creation and implementation of a master plan for the town of Zhanatas. In the course of the report, the questions were received both by e-mail and telephone via "hot line", viewers, for example, were interested in legal protection of business, support of women's entrepreneurship, tax and other issues. All the appeals received were answered, the voiced problems were taken under control.


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