
Karlygash Aralbekova: "We head towards the attraction of investments and development of industrial zones"

- Zhambyl Region
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Director of the Chamber of Entrepreneurs of Zhambyl region presented the report to the Regional Council on the work, which has been done in 2016. She spoke about the strategic directions set for 2017 "Protection of entrepreneurs' rights and the elimination of administrative barriers, non-financial business support, work on the map of regional development, support of these projects, development of human capital, the development of local content in public procurement and the procurement of quasi-public sector – these were and still are the main activities of the Chamber of Entrepreneurs of Zhambyl region", - said Karlygash Aralbekova. At the same time, she singled out other strategic directions of work for the current year. This is the development of productive employment and mass entrepreneurship through the provision of free monthly courses in the regions under the Bastau Business program. The business plans developed within the framework of the courses will be accompanied by the Chamber during the calendar year. Another priority of the Chamber is the development of a dairy cluster through the creation and accompaniment of agricultural cooperatives, as well as their financing within the framework of MFO Atameken-Taraz. The participants of SEC Merkі Onimderi have already been financed, work is underway to create a joint venture Zhualy Sut. The Chamber of Entrepreneurs intends to contribute to solving the acute problem of the region - lack of water for irrigation. "We will accompany innovative projects that contribute to the increase of irrigated lands, as well as promote the introduction of water saving technologies, drip irrigation, created by the scientific institutions of the region. Currently, the farms of the region saw the presentation of the developments of the Water Institute, 26 farms are interested in cooperation", -said the director of the Chamber of Entrepreneurs. The Chamber of Entrepreneurs will contribute to the transparency of receiving subsidies, a list of poultry farms, feeding grounds from one hundred livestock farms and pig farms of the region will be determined, according to the criteria and requirements specified in the rules for subsidizing the development of livestock breeding, improving the productivity and quality of livestock products. In addition, a special commission has already been established and will begin to operate with the participation of representatives of the Chamber, local executive bodies, and public organizations. The Chamber plans also to develop a plan to attract investment in the Regional Business Development Map projects and to support investors on the principle of "one window". It will continue active cooperation with EuroChem, the largest producer of mineral fertilizers in the world, realizing an investment project - the construction of a mining complex in the Sarisu district, on the creation and implementation of a master plan for the city of Zhanatas. The director of the Chamber of Entrepreneurs told about another important and interesting project to create cooperation on the territory of LLP "Taraz Metallurgical Plant" with small and medium-sized businesses. "We want to assist in the provision of sites, not used shops, warehouses of the plant to accommodate small and medium-sized businesses. The zone is created in the form of land plots for the construction of buildings and facilities for production facilities, or vacant premises ready for leasing or selling to entrepreneurs. We will also assist entrepreneurs in preparing business cases and accompanying projects. "Assistance in the development of industrial zones will also be an important area. Here, the Chamber of Entrepreneurs intends to participate in various stages - in the selection of investment projects for their implementation on the territory of industrial zones, accompanied by projects, as well as assist in the procedures for negotiating various permits. Tourism was and remains an important direction of work of the Chamber of Entrepreneurs, the Council of Business Women took a big step in preparing for the reception of guests within the framework of EXPO-2017 in our region. In addition, at the request of travel companies, the Chamber initiated the issue of the possibility of renting tourist objects to entrepreneurs of the region, for which three local monuments have been proposed for today: Karavan-Saray "Tortkul", House Museum of Academician Skryabin K.I. and early Islam mosque. The Chamber of Entrepreneurs of Zhambyl region has developed measures for further development of tourism for 2016-2017, which were directed and supported by the akim of Zhambyl region Karim Kokrekbayev. The budget application for a total of 104 million KZT was approved.

The Chamber of Entrepreneurs also proposed to hold regular informal "Meetings without ties" with the participation of the head of the region, the city, prosecutors of the region and the city to discuss in an informal environment the pressing issues of the regional business development.

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