
Venture fund in Saransk

- Karaganda Region
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The large entrepreneurs of Saran presented the idea of ​​an investment club that will help for young entrepreneurs to start business. In order to support business initiatives of the mono-town, the organization and support of start-ups. Experienced entrepreneurs intend to invest in worthy projects, since the financing system assumes the receipt of profit on the assets united in the fund and distribution of the profit received among the Club members in proportion to the number of shares. The idea of ​​creating a simplified analogy of the venture fund belongs to the director of LLP "Holding Altyn Arna" Renat Minkhairova, who is the chairman of the committee of small and medium business of the branch of the Chamber of Entrepreneurs in the mono-town of Saran. "There are a lot of creative people in our town, each of them has excellent ideas for organizing business, but for various reasons they are not realized. Somewhere there is not enough money, human resources, knowledge and skills. And we, the older generation, are ready to support both morally and materially. We are ready to give a start to new ideas, if a novice entrepreneur really can deliver it ", - commented Renat Minkhairov. At the presentation, four startup companies presented their business ideas. Beginning entrepreneurs had to work hard to win the attention of potential investors. As a result of the discussion, the meeting participants agreed on the order of further interaction. The consulting managers of the branch of the Chamber of Entrepreneurs accept applications from start-up entrepreneurs who are willing to implement a business idea in the town of Saran, then work is done to determine the competitiveness and prospects for the project, its cost is calculated and a business plan is prepared. Further, the initiator of the startup presents a project ready for financing to the court of the members of the Investment Club. Director of the branch Yana Vnukiewicz noted that such a format is worthy of wide distribution. "I am sure that the club's project will give a positive experience for other districts of the region. The format of the venture fund is good because both sides - both start-ups and investors are mutually interested in the profitability of the business. Especially important is the contact of a beginner and an experienced entrepreneur, in which the latter carries, so to speak, the moral burden - he will instruct, show, teach and work to ensure that his ward is as successful as he is. And the most remarkable thing is that the big businessmen themselves came out with such an offer. This is worth a lot, when in this difficult time and with huge risks, a businessman is ready to support a colleague. I hope that the future wards of our "business angels" will justify the invested forces and resources", - said Yana Vnukevich.


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