
Entrepreneurs rendered material assistance for almost 4 million tenge

- Karaganda Region
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Karaganda entrepreneurs took under the patronage the Industrial Technology College and provided the necessary equipment for the Karaganda Industrial and Technology College - the main educational institution that prepares communication specialists. At the beginning of last year, the Board of Trustees was created in the college, which included several entrepreneurs, and, within the framework of the agreements, provide students with everything necessary in the educational process. The businessmen of the region is interested in the practical training of future specialists. For a year and a half, almost all laboratories were equipped for the amount of 3,900,000 KZT by their forces. "Four-sided contracts were signed with LLP Vesta and Furtado plast, SP Asimov, PK Asap in order to implement measures to introduce dual training in the college specializing in the Operation of Linear Telecommunication and Wirecasting Facilities. Thanks to them we were able to update the material and technical base of our school: we opened a laboratory for working with fiber optic cables equipped with modern equipment. Specialists of the enterprise "Vesta" conducted master classes for teachers and students. The well-known trading house "220 VOLT" provided the necessary equipment for the installation of electric lines ", - said the director of the college Irina Kisileva. The company "Furtado plast" provided the whole laboratory with the equipment, the production cooperative "Aspap" presented the engine of the car and the TV for the laboratory in the specialty "Maintenance, repair and operation of road transport". "In addition to entrepreneurs, representatives of public associations are also members of the Board of Trustees. One of them is the public fund "Bota", headed by Valeria Nefedova. The Foundation rendered substantial financial support in strengthening the material and technical base of training laboratories in the specialty "Catering", in the improvement of the college, equipping the necessary gym and gym equipment, as well as in acquiring motor transport. Now the students have everything they need to study. The help has an effect on their motivation to study",-  says the head of the college.


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