
The Italians have arrived

- Almaty Region
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European businessmen intend to implement business projects in the region. Some details of future projects and topical issues of bilateral cooperation were discussed at the Chamber of Entrepreneurs with the participation of entrepreneurs and government agencies. Representatives of the prosecutor's office told European businessmen about the work done in the sphere of protecting the rights and interests of business. The delegation consisted of the first managers and managers of large Italian companies "Carmet", "Brio", "Longo", "Infortrade Srls", "Infortrade". European businessmen came to the Almaty region not by chance. The region is very convenient in terms of logistics and transport routes. "The Italian delegation is pleasantly surprised by Kazakhstan's success in the economy, the dynamite of Astana's development. Each company is the leader of its industry and therefore each step is calculated. They see great opportunities for development in the Almaty region. Of course, no one is waiting for a quick result. Therefore, today the first step to cooperation has been made", - said Baymukhambetov. At a meeting with the region's leadership, the first deputy akim of the region, Lazzat Turlashev, spoke in detail about the socio-economic development and priority areas of the regional economy. According to him, today in Almaty region there are 30 export-oriented companies, economic cooperation is established with 100 countries. "Attraction of investments is one of the important tasks set by the Head of State. We, as a local executive body on our part, are ready to support in every possible way and are aimed at achieving the result", - noted Turlashev and gave specific instructions to the heads of departments. The export manager of Longo, Notargeldo Vincenzo, said that they are ready to consider cooperation in the field of metallurgy. "Today, the metallurgical industry faces completely different challenges. Old technologies and approaches no longer work. Therefore, we are interested in knowing the state of the industry in your region. We, on our part, can buy and process metals", - added the entrepreneur.

 Longo's CEO Vito Longo also offered to cooperate in the field of environmental business. The company is a world leader in the production of equipment on the chassis of suction plant for suction, hydrodynamic cleaning of pipelines and pipes for suction of powders and solids and for the transport of hazardous waste. For example, at the moment "Longo" fully serves the city of Belgrade and is responsible for the cleanliness of the metropolis. By the way, wind power stations may soon appear on the territory of the region. General Director of Carmet Giovanni Puglies expressed hope for fruitful cooperation in the construction of photovoltaic and wind stations. The engineering company is engaged in the production, installation of solar batteries. Sabino Caterino, the general director of the famous underwear manufacturer Brio, plans to open the outlets of her company. According to him, Almaty region is an ideal region for conducting and developing business. "Through the Almaty region we can enter the market of China and other countries, providing them with real quality linen. We intend not only to build an enterprise here, but also to train specialists and share our experience. We are here to help you", - shared plans Caterino. The head of the Regional Development Center of Almaty region Kuanysh Kadyrov introduced the guests with the investment opportunities and the business climate of the region and answered the questions of entrepreneurs. According to him, recently one of the Italian companies expressed an intention to open a meat factory. "It is more important for us to invite and to familiarize foreign investors and entrepreneurs in the regions, including the districts, and introduce them to local entrepreneurs, authorities and state bodies. They must see with their own eyes what kind of business climate, potential and opportunities we have. We, as the Chamber of Entrepreneurs, will accompany these projects, create a dialogue platform between business and akimat", - said Lazzat Chinkisbaeva, director of the Chamber of Entrepreneurs of Almaty region. Within the framework of the working meeting, Italian entrepreneurs will also get acquainted with the activities of the Taldykorgan industrial zone and the current work of the Tekeli Mining and Processing Plant.


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