
Halyk Bank together with the Chamber of Entrepreneurs conducted explanatory work

- Kyzylorda Region
11229 просмотров

The Chamber of Entrepreneurs of Kyzylorda region together with the regional branch of JSC "Halyk Bank" held an event called "Competent Client". It was attended by Deputy Director of the Chamber of Entrepreneurs Kozhakhmet Ilyasov, Deputy Director of the Regional Branch of JSC "Halyk Bank" Akmaral Syzdykova, as well as specialists of the sphere and entrepreneurs . "For several years we have been developing partnership with the Chamber of Entrepreneurs. The purpose of this event was to provide methodological assistance in collecting documents for getting a loan for citizens wishing to do business. We want to inform the public that, with proper registration of documents on the financial capabilities of the client and the competent development of the project, it is not so difficult to get a loan", - said Akmaral Syzdykova. During the event, the heads of the bank's departments Nurgul Zharylakasinova and Galiya Akhmetova informed the audience on financial and legal literacy, she described the stages of the collection of necessary documents. "Most of the citizens who applied to the chamber for help note the difficulty in obtaining loans through STBs.

The analysis of the received applications has shown that the main reason for the bank's refusal to lend is the lack of information. Now all the information is posted on the Internet resources of banks, but not all citizens view and actively use banking Internet services. Therefore, we gladly accepted the offer of Halyk Bank to conduct consultative and explanatory work", - said Deputy Director of the Chamber of Entrepreneurs Kozhakhmet Ilyasov. It should be noted that the number of people willing to open and develop their own business is growing every day. For example, only in the first quarter of this year 425 citizens received service assistance, 1,421 people received 3221 consultations. In addition, 368 Kyzylorda residents were trained at the courses "Business Advisor", another 15 people upgraded their qualifications through "Business Growth".



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