
83 Zhambyl employers offered jobs for students

- Zhambyl Region
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Job Fair "Young Specialist-2017" was held at the Taraz State University named after M.Kh. Dulati "This year, the number of graduates who graduated from the Tarzhin State University named after M.Kh. Dulati was 1579 people in 59 specialties", said rector Makhmetgali Sarybekov, opening the event. - In general, the university provides training in 60 specialties of the bachelor's degree, 39 specialties of the magistracy and the 3rd doctorates. In order to implement the dual system of education, the university has 35 branches of departments". It is worth adding that 83 Zhambyl employers offered vacancies for graduate students. "41 employees of the Chamber of Entrepreneurs of Zhambyl region are a graduate of TarSU, 19 – majoring in economy, 5 law, 17 accounting and finances, there are journalists and others", said the director of the Chamber of Entrepreneurs Karlygash Aralbekova. - The Council of Business Women actively supports young professionals, students, therefore one of the members of the CBW Ainur Zaurbekova initiated the creation of the Council of Youth Entrepreneurship at the Chamber of Entrepreneurs of the Zhambyl Region.

Last year, a school of youth entrepreneurship was organized for students, in which 69 participants were trained. Six best projects were selected for the "Idea Fair", of which three projects were recommended for further state grant. "An exhibition of finished products of graduates of various departments of the university was organized within the framework of the event,  a meeting of employers with graduates was held, during which former students handed out their resumes and were interviewed. In addition, master classes from JSC "Zhilstroysberbank" and members of the Council of Business Women of the Chamber of Entrepreneurs of Zhambyl region were organized for the graduates. Head of the Center for Education, Development and Career Ainur Zaurbekova conducted a master class on the topic: "Effective employment: "selling" a resume or your unique proposal", - said Shakhista Mukhamedzhanova, director of LLP "Buildsvyazkom", organized Genetic-test testing to determine the characteristics of a person's character and psycho-type, including in the field of career guidance.

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