
Entrepreneurs of Mangistau region addressed to the Business Ombudsman

- Mangistau Region
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The Business Ombudsman held a personal reception of entrepreneurs on the issues of violations of their rights and problematic systematic issues

Bolat Palymbetov, the Commissioner for the Protection of the Rights of Entrepreneurs of Kazakhstan paid a visit to Mangistau region.

At a meeting with the Business Ombudsman, which was held with the participation of representatives of the Regional Chamber. Businessmen of Mangistau region told about their problems.

One of the pressing issues is unlawful termination of the contract on public procurement with SP "Online" Nazhim S.T.

SP "Online" and the Department of Housing and Communal Services on 30th of May 2016 concluded an agreement on public procurement of works for the amount of 52,864,000 KZT, the winner paid a security deposit 1,585,920 KZT to the customer's settlement account to ensure the performance of contractual obligations.

Meanwhile, despite the proper fulfillment of the assumed obligations by the contractor, after two months, that is, on 20.07.2016 the department of housing and communal services issued an order to terminate the contract on the basis of notification from the Office of the Financial Control Committee of the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan on the elimination of violations identified during in-house audit.

By the time the order was issued on unilateral termination of the contract, SP Online was able to complete some works worth more than 11 million KZT, which is 20% of the total value of contractual obligations.

On 22nd of December 2016 this issue was discussed at the Council for the Protection of the Rights of Entrepreneurs, by the decision of which the Chamber of Entrepreneurs recommended to send an application to the Department of the Agency of RK for Civil Service and Anti-Corruption of Mangistau region.

In connection with the decision of the Anti-Corruption Service there is no criminal offense in the actions of Izgaliyev B. The Chamber sent a letter to the head of the Department of the Agency of RK for Civil Service and Anti-Corruption of Mangistau region with a request to raise the issue regarding the head of the State Institution "Aktau City Department of Housing and Communal Services and Housing Inspectorate" Izgaliyev B. at the Ethics Board at the Department in connection with improper performance of official duties.

The entrepreneur does not agree with the decision of the Anti-Corruption Service to prosecute Izgaliyev B. and asked the Commissioner to assist in the resumption of the criminal case and in an objective, comprehensive investigation of the criminal case, through the General Prosecutor's Office of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

In addition, during the meeting, the entrepreneurs of the region had the opportunity to tell directly the Business Ombudsman about their pressing problems, each of which is taken under control for further resolution.

After hearing the problems of entrepreneurs, the Business Ombudsman met with Akim of Mangistau region Eraly Tugzhanov.

When meeting with akim Bolat Palymbetov spoke about the problems of the local business community, including the return of the cost of the forcibly withdrawn land, as well as issues arising in the field of public procurement and subsoil use.

Last year, the main problems were in the sphere of land relations, there were no detailed plans of settlements and the possibility of making changes to the approved detailed planning projects. This created a big administrative barrier when obtaining land plots by entrepreneurs.

"In 2016, six auctions were held in Mangistau region to grant the right to land plots, in 2015 no share was held. Also 29 land plots were sold through the auction form of bidding, in 2015 it was not implemented at all. Akimats of Tupkaragan and Beineu districts still do not publish information on free land plots, which is an obstacle to the implementation of the entrepreneurial initiative", - said the Ombudsman.

Currently, master plans and detailed planning projects have been published in Internet resources and other portals available to the public, and some work has been done on organizing auctions.




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