
A businessman from Pavlodar region helped the villagers to defend the route

- Pavlodar Region
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The Chamber of Entrepreneurs supported the business of a rural carrier from Zhelezinsky District

In 2013, Sergei Soltanov decided to do passenger transportation in the village of Zhelezinka, he purchased a bus with the support of the "Employment Road Map-2020" program.

It is worth noting that the route "Zhelezinka-Moiseevka" has become an excellent gift for fellow villagers of Sergey Soltanov, because often villagers are forced to walk to social facilities. For example, the central district hospital is located on the outskirts of the village of Zhelezinka, so naturally, this route soon became popular with the Zhelezinka people.

However, despite its relevance, the route was unprofitable for the entrepreneur. Therefore, the decision of Pavlodar region maslikhat in 2015 was recognized as socially significant, but unprofitable. At the same time, in accordance with the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On motor transport", business entities that serve socially significant routes have the right to expect to receive subsidies paid by local executive bodies.

Despite the requirements of the current legislation and repeated applications of SP "Soltan", the authorized state bodies of the Zhelezinsky district did not take measures to establish a tariff for this socially significant route.

By the way, it should be noted that the Zhelezinsky branch of the Chamber of Entrepreneurs has repeatedly negotiated with the authorized bodies on this issue, but no positive decision was reached.

  With a view to an objective examination of the circumstances, the appeal was considered at a meeting of the Council for the Protection of Entrepreneurs’ Rights and Counteracting Corruption involving all interested state bodies.

As it was stated by the expert of the department for the protection of entrepreneurs' rights and the reduction of the administrative barriers of RCE Seifolla Kasymkanov, the inaction of state bodies led to violation of the entrepreneur's rights in terms of getting subsidies.

Thanks to the intervention of the Chamber, the rights of the entrepreneur have been restored, the social route "Zhelezinka-Moiseevka" functions in full.

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