
North Kazakhstan's beekeepers were offered to go abroad to study

- North-Kazakhstan Region
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A real boom in beekeeping began in North Kazakhstan region, said the chairman of the Association of Beekeepers of NKR Oleg Gavrilov

More than 20 North Kazakhstani beekeepers were trained to agro-competencies. It should be noted that the courses for beekeepers were organized in the North Kazakhstan region for the first time.

All participants of the seminar received a certificate allowing them to participate in state programs. Today in the region there are about 1,500 registered beekeepers. According to them, this industry in the region is now on the rise.

"We are seeing an increase in the number of beekeepers. We even have an excitement, every second, third person wants to do this business. For the second year, there are not enough beekeepers. A real boom in beekeeping has began", - said the chairman of the Association of Beekeepers of NKR Oleg Gavrilov.

Gabit Nuradil, vice-president of the National Union of Beekeepers of Kazakhstan "Bal-Ara", talked about innovations in beekeeping. In his opinion, North-Kazakhstan region has great prospects in the development of this direction.

"In your area, plant growing is developing, that is, a lot of oil crops are planted here, which serve as food for bee colonies. We are talking about mass beekeeping. Since the main percentage in the production of honey is occupied by personal subsidiary plots. If every person interested in this business was trained, he could keep a couple of families in his country house, plot or even a balcony. Moreover, it is necessary to develop a culture of honey consumption. Now, the average Kazakh consumes 50 grams of honey, and in Europe this figure is 4 times higher. Therefore, we propose to create an agricultural cooperative for your beekeepers. Since they are united, it is easier to get government support in the form of subsidies or preferential loans", - said Gabit Nuradil, Vice-President of the National Union of Beekeepers of Kazakhstan "Bal-Ara".

However, there are serious problems, young people are reluctant to go to beekeepers. The profession is inexorably aging, says Gabit Nuradil. To improve the situation for high school students who have not yet decided on the type of activity, the Republican Association offers free education abroad. Slovakia, Russia and Israel are ready to share their experience with Kazakh beekeepers.

Roman Mozaikin - is a young beekeeper. He is 23 years old. A month ago, the guy quit his job and decided to start beekeeping. Now he has two bee families. Learning that this profession can be trained free of charge, and even abroad, did not hesitate for a long time and decided to accept the offer.

"I immediately became interested in the idea of ​​going to study in Slovakia. I want to learn this profession, especially if there is such an opportunity. In general, I believe that such courses are necessary for beekeepers, that this sphere would develop more dynamically", - shared Roman Mozaikin.

Within the framework of the state task of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan to provide information to the agro-industrial complex on a gratuitous basis, NCE RK Atameken organized seminars on priority areas of the agro-industrial complex on the basis of advanced farms with the involvement of leading foreign and domestic experts in the agribusiness sectors. It is planned to conduct 18 seminars, including 13 seminars on animal husbandry, 5 on crop production, where about 300 subjects of the agro-industrial complex will be trained.

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