
An entrepreneur defended his business for a year in Akmola region

- Akmola Region
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The cancelation of previously issued permits for the implementation of projects by the state bodies has already become a sad trend

In Atbasar, a story with a well-known entrepreneur developed according to all the laws of the genre: officials, having issued him an official document for the construction of a water pipe. Afterwards, they tried themselves to annul it under various pretexts.

"Let me thank you for the initiative of creating the Chamber of Entrepreneurs, the activities of which are aimed at protecting the rights and interests of business. It was the Chamber that was with me for a year, while there was a struggle for my running water pipeline, for my business", - Igor Goering tells his story.

And everything began quite prosaically: the akimat issued permission to the entrepreneur to lay a water pipe to the object of roadside service along Almaty-Yekaterinburg highway. The works, which were estimated at more than 7 million tenge, soon came to an end. And it was then, according to Goering, claims from the local authorities began, which decided for some reason that the water pipe was laid not where necessary and the work was done anyhow. Officials, without further ado, compiled an act of visual inspection, on the basis of which the previously disposed order was abolished.

Experts of the local branch of the regional chamber, where the businessman immediately addressed, sent inquiries to the akimat, the prosecutor's office of the Atbasar district. Of course, the answer was clear. In court, where Igor Goering filed a lawsuit against the unlawful actions of the akimat, they decided in favor of the businessman, canceling the new order and leaving the old one in force.

However, in the arena suddenly appeared the regional department for control over the use and protection of land, which found that the businessman illegally occupied the land.

"In Atbasar, such a statement of the question arose for the first time. In practice, all those who build a heat-waterway, do not withdraw the land and do not register it, the land remains in common use", - says Rosa Tasmagambetova, director of the branch of RCE.

The case was decided after the intervention of the supervisory authorities. With the participation of the deputy prosecutor of the region Kuanysh Amralin, the akimat of the city and the entrepreneur signed a guarantee agreement for the use of the laid water pipeline.

Now the businessman is preparing design and estimate documentation for the construction of roadside service.


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