
New tools for financing farmers are required in Akmola region, - Timur Kulibayev

- Akmola Region
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Akmola agrarians experience financial difficulties in conducting field works

At the enlarged meeting of the Regional Council of Entrepreneurs with the participation of the Chairman of the Presidium of NCE RK "Atameken" Timur Kulibayev, the participants discussed the problematic issues of entrepreneurs.

In the course of the discussion, the issue of public procurement was sharply raised.

Director of LLP "Center for Biotechnology" Darkhan Balpanov from Stepnogorsk told about his problem. The company today is almost unique manufacturer of vaccine preparations, bio-insecticides for the processing and food industries. However, dumping (the sale of goods or services below the cost of production - a comment) by foreign companies puts "sticks in the wheel" in public procurement.

According to the businessman, the qualification requirements set by the national companies today have the opposite effect. A lot of time and money goes to ensure that the entrepreneur can to prove its capabilities.

"We need to promote honest businessmen to the markets, give them all support. How can we get a competent and qualified executor if the tender documentation is compiled to match a certain contractor? ", - Timur Kulibayev noted.

The head of the Presidium of the National Council also added that active work is being carried out to support bona fide entrepreneurs.

"For today, our main task is to support entrepreneurship, we are interested in having an honest honest businessman at the center of economic policy", - Timur Kulibayev emphasized. "To this end, we are working to humanize the criminal legislation, over 200 amendments have already been made, a permanent and effective dialogue with the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan is being conducted".

In this regard, special attention is paid to procurement in the construction industry: a consortium of builders and manufacturers of building materials of Akmola region, the work of which will be aimed at improving the construction industry in the region.

A working group on observance of legality during public procurement with the participation of the Prosecutor's Office of Akmola region, the Department of the National Bureau of Anti-Corruption was established.

"A significant disadvantage is the lack of public procurements in the region, as there is no coordination of purchases in general", - Timur Kulibayev said.

During the Regional Council businessmen also complained about financial difficulties during field work.

According to Erbol Tashenov, Chairman of the Board of agricultural cooperative "Regional Grain Holding", most of the agribusiness entities lack the necessary pledges to apply to credit institutions for credit resources. This year, the forward purchase of grain by the "Food Corporation" under the guarantee of agricultural cooperative was abolished, which in turn enabled agricultural producers to receive short money without collateral.

The Ministry of Agriculture has proposed an alternative lending program, which involves financing under the guarantees of second-tier banks. However, in practice this mechanism had no effect.

"In the Akmola region, as an agricultural region, it is necessary to develop traditional directions. But for this you need to find new financing tools. The banking sector, unfortunately, can’t make up this deficit. Therefore, in tandem with the akimat and maslikhat it is necessary to solve the issues of attracting financial resources", - the Chairman of the Presidium believes.

Akim of the region Malik Murzalin, in turn, noted that all the problematic issues are taken to control.

"All the problems that we discussed today, the Chamber can decide in a dialogue with the local authorities", - Timur Kulibayev summed up.

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