
Light industry of Kazakhstan has great potential

- City of Almaty
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The second Forum of Light Industry Enterprises, dedicated to the Day of Light Industry Workers, was held in Almaty. Speaking with welcoming remarks and congratulations, the head of the department of light industry of the Committee for Industrial Development and Industrial Safety of the Ministry of Investment and Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan Aliya Bukhabayeva noted that light industry is a complex branch comprising more than 20 sub-sectors. Last year, Kazakhstan's light industry produced products worth 23.9 billion KZT. Growth is observed in the textile industry (29.4%), clothing production (2.9%), leather products (18.3%). Products were exported for 72.8 million dollars (+ 5%), imported by 264 million dollars (+ 26%). "Today, 984 enterprises operate in Kazakhstan, 95 of them are small, employing about 13 thousand people. Within the framework of RMB-2020, by the beginning of the year, 35 projects were supported for a total of 5 billion 94 million KZT. Support provided by the state contributes to the modernization of domestic enterprises, the expansion of the range of products and its export", - Aliya Bukhabayeva said.

"On behalf of the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs and the Chamber of Entrepreneurs of Almaty, I congratulate you on your professional holiday. The importance of light industry in our lives is great. Today we see that there are quite a few new companies standing firmly on their feet and performing their social functions. It is payment of taxes, creation of new jobs. Our light industry enterprises can withstand competition in the market. Even now I am waring a Kazakh suit, and I believe that our light industry has good prospects", - Yuri Tleumuratov, director of the Almaty Chamber of Entrepreneurs, congratulated the employees of the light industry. Still, there are a number of problems in the industry, the main of them was listed by the chairman of the Association of Light Industry Enterprises of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Lyubov Khudova. "Underutilization of capacities, shortage of circulating assets generates dependence of domestic factories on state procurement. In the Soviet era, the light industry gave up to 17-18% of the budget, in 2016 we barely reached 0.3% of the total GDP. The potential of our enterprises is huge. We need a well-developed program of state support", - Lyubov Khudova said. Within the framework of the Forum, a round table was organized, a show of clothing collections, rewarding workers of light industry of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

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