
The Business Ombudsman of Kazakhstan protected the rights of the Russian company

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The Office of the Commissioner for the Protection of the Rights of Entrepreneurs of Kazakhstan achieved the abolition of illegal actions of bailiffs against LLP “TechComplekt” and LLP “KazTEK Plus”.


The Office of the Ombudsman for the Protection of the Rights of Entrepreneurs of Kazakhstan received an appeal from Boris Titov, the Commissioner of the President of the Russian Federation for the Protection of the Rights of Entrepreneurs.

The essence of the appeal was as follows. LLP "KazTEK plus" filed a complaint against the actions of judicial executors from Kostanay region Baniyazov B.B., Baizhanov A.E. concerning the seizure of property belonging to LLP “TechComplekt”, while enforcement proceedings were conducted against a completely different company - LLP “KazTEK Plus”.

The sector of the Office of the Business Ombudsman in Kostanay region was instructed to take measures to protect the rights and legitimate interests of both companies.

LLP "KazTEK plus" was provided with the necessary legal advice, in addition to representatives of companies, expert of the sector of the Office of the Business Ombudsman in Kostanay Region Marat Abishev protected the rights of LLP “TechComplekt” and LLP “KazTEK Plus” in court.

According to the judge's decision on 20th of April 2017, the court demanded from the private judicial executor enforcement proceedings, the parties were asked to settle the dispute by concluding peace or mediation agreement.

On 12th of May 2017, the sector of the Office of the Business Ombudsman in Kostanay region sent letters to these bailiffs demanding to revoke the acts of arrest of equipment owned by LLP “TechComplekt”.

According to the decision of Mendykarinsky District Court of Kostanay region on 15th of May 2017, upon the application of LLP “KazTEK Plus”, a civil case was closed on recognizing the actions of a private bailiff unlawful and repealing his decision, since 12th of May 2017, the arrest of the property of LLP “TechComplekt” was removed.

Thus, thanks to the successful cooperation of the Commissioners on the protection of the rights of entrepreneurs of Kazakhstan and Russia, the violated rights of the Russian entrepreneur have been restored.

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