
"Cosmetics and flexible stone under the logo "Made in Southern Kazakhstan "

- City of Shymkent
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The product under the logo "Оntustyk onymi" should be associated with high quality and affordable price. All nine companies of the South-Kazakhstan region have set such a goal, which will go to protect the region's honor at the republican contest "The Best Goods of Kazakhstan". Southerners have a right to be proud of: they learned to produce and to export not only high-quality carpets, delicious fish products and medicines, but also to produce decent furniture and unique building materials.


Friendly with IKEA

The first large domestic producer of carpets, carpets and polypropylene yarns - LLP Bal Textile - recently could not even imagine that it would cooperate with the world-famous IKEA company. But two years ago, when after the wave of stories and publications in the media, IKEA offered "Bal Textiles" to produce carpets for them, it was a real surprise for everyone. The carpet factory, therefore, was the first among Kazakhstani producers to sign a contract with this Swedish company, one of the world leaders in the sale of home products. The enterprise was launched in 2013, in defiance of skeptics who claimed that Turkey, which had firmly seized the leadership in our carpet market, could not be outstripped, and neighboring Uzbekistan managed to build 15 plants by that time!

Today, "Bal Textile" has high quality indicators and a good reputation among consumers. By the way, one of the main requirements of IKEA was environmental friendliness, so that the materials should not cause allergies. Now domestic carpets marked "Made in Southern Kazakhstan" can be found on the shelves of large supermarkets in England, Germany, France, Russia, Kyrgyzstan, Azerbaijan, Tajikistan and Armenia. So, which of our untwisted industrial "giants" can boast of these? So the carpet products of this company, which won the regional contest in the nomination "The best goods for population", have all chances to become the best commodity of the country.

There is no less chance for the products of SP "Kudaibergenov F.T.". In fact, this is the first and only furniture factory in Kazakhstan in the countryside. In order to produce stylish furniture, management invited professional masters and designers. The assortment of the enterprise includes 12 types of chairs: Kazakhstan, Berkut, Syganak, Retro, Crystal and others. One of them - "Presidential" - exclusive, released in one copy, is in the mausoleum of Kh. A. Yasawi. Here, they have tables, headsets, walls, cabinets and even furniture for the newlyweds. Local material is used as a raw material: walnut and karagach. The factory is well known in Turkestan, Shymkent and 10 other cities of Kazakhstan, where the company opened its own brand stores. The demand for its products in Kazakhstan can be envied by any large company with huge investments, not one day present on the domestic market. It is also popular in Astrakhan and Chelyabinsk. The production is non-waste, since biofuel is produced from sawdust in briquettes. Biofuel is very popular among the population, as well as in cafes, bathhouses and railway transport.

Rauan Research and Production Center, which produces cosmeceutical products, is known far beyond the boundaries of South Kazakhstan region. The cause is the company's leader - Beisembayev Bakhytzhan, who was able to gather in his team professionals representing the advanced scientific schools of the former Union, and implement since 1990, 5 scientific and production projects. They were carried out according to the scheme "from idea to own release of a product". The last, the most ambitious of his brainchild - the breakthrough project "Creation in the Republic of Kazakhstan of the industry of cosmetology and cosmeceuticals of the modern quality level.

Cosmetics from South

ZOR trademark is the products of SPC Rauan, which has proved itself in the Kazakhstan market as the first and only domestic manufacturer of cosmeceuticals, designed to make life of each of us bright, and skin - healthy, velvety and radiant. Formulas of means and production technologies are developed by scientists and specialists on the basis of modern materials and equipment. This is a unique means for moisturizing, restoring and renewing the skin, eliminating unwanted manifestations, preventing and smoothing wrinkles, creating elasticity.

"This project is based on a system of breakthrough technologies", - comments Bakhytzhan Beisembayev. - Our products are not inferior in terms of functional indicators to recognized foreign brands. But at a price much more affordable than the world's analogues. In general, this is a success.

Producer of ceramic granite is a leader in the nomination "THE BEST GOODS FOR INDUSTRIAL PURPOSES".

LLP "Zerde Keramika" is the only operating plant in Kazakhstan for the production of porcelain stoneware, it produces products under the trademark MK-ceramics. The enterprise was founded with one purpose - to improve and to refine the production of domestic finishing material from porcelain stoneware. For its production, only the highest-quality refractory clays, the purest quartz sand, feldspars and natural pigments are used.

The process of making tiles is fully automated, human hands and power have completely replaced the automatic - from mixing components to packaging already finished products. And even forklifts here are "smart" and they know where they need to drive up without the order. The production is equipped with the equipment of the Italian company Varbieri & tarozzi - the leader among manufacturers of equipment for the ceramic industry. The porcelain, produced at the enterprise, has very low water absorption - about 0.05%, which makes it possible to use the tile for external facing of buildings, facades in any climatic zones. And due to increased resistance to abrasion, the tile can be used in rooms with intensive human traffic (supermarkets, airports).

Boilers made by modern advanced technologies

Designing and manufacturing of industrial boilers and boiler plants - heating boilers on natural gas, liquid and solid fuels - the main activity of the company. All the products of LLP ART Sapaly Kurylys are produced under the trademark ART Boilers at many commercial and social and cultural facilities in Southern Kazakhstan (schools, hospitals, greenhouses, industrial enterprises, etc.) installed steam boilers and modular boiler houses "ART Boilers". The boilers of the companies are designed according to modern advanced technologies using the latest automatic and semi-automatic systems, which makes the boilers comfortable, safe and easy to use. The company's products are certified in accordance with the technical requirements of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Customs Union.

Production of flexible stone

Two years ago, the head of the enterprise "Ekam stone" Gulnara Zholdybayeva tried to put her products for the first time in the regional contest "The best goods of Kazakhstan", her finishing material was immediately awarded the nomination "Breakthrough of the Year". The following year, Gulnara herself was recognized as the best female entrepreneur in SKR. After that, she herself admits, wings grew behind her back: after the production of flexible stones, she began to produce concrete products - Ekam-concrete: paving slabs, facade, tiles, develop landscape architecture. "It's very convenient for customers, because they order everything in one place. And it is profitable for us, as we are able to use the available production capacities", - notes Gulnara Zholdybayeva.

Every day her enterprise produces about 300 square meters. Meters of flexible stone. At a price it is much cheaper than other materials, but it is much better in quality and durability. It is an environmentally friendly material, 90% of which is natural sandstone, free of any impurities. It perfectly withstands the temperature regime from -40 to +110 and is not afraid of dirt and water. The service life of flexible stone is 25 years. It is thanks to its unique properties that the flexible stone has been recognized by many craftsmen and decorators to decorate the interior of their apartments and houses with natural materials.

NOMINATION "THE BEST FOOD PRODUCT" - the largest southern fish processing enterprise

Rural consumer cooperative "Hamit" is the largest fish processing enterprise in the region. It was the first to receive an eurometer and successfully exports frozen fillets of pike perch and sazan, dried and smoked products to the EU countries. Today, the SEC has strong trade relations with representatives of Latvia, Lithuania, France and Germany. The volume of exports today is even greater than that in Kazakhstan. Foreign consumers prefer Chardara fillet of pike perch. After the factory acquired equipment for shock freezing, it significantly expanded the range, trying to meet the demand of consumers. At various fairs, exhibitions and competitions, the pavilion of this particular producer, where a delicious smoked fish is treated, is always in high demand among visitors.

Sweets from Madeleine

"We feed our guests only with natural products, using exclusive recipes" - the motto of the company. Today, the network of coffee-confectioneries LLP "Madeleine-kz" is one of the largest companies in the field of catering and confectionery throughout Kazakhstan, it has several dozens of establishments operating in several cities of the republic - Shymkent, Almaty, Astana and Taraz. Over its 18-year history, the company has already developed its own standards of doing business.

"We set ourselves the task of giving the market only high-quality and aesthetic products", - says Elena Haritidi, owner of the coffee-pastry network. - This is necessary for the health of our children with you, as the future of a whole nation. In order to please the world, yourself and your family with delicious and natural handmade confectionery, and bakery of the highest quality. " Playing in advance, the Madeleine people decided to develop and sell their franchise. "We went for a long time and finally opened a franchising department, because you can make a big profit in this segment if you develop a network of coffee houses. Therefore, soon we intend to begin sell the franchise: this is the request of the market", - says Elena. The implementation of these plans can significantly change its business by making Madeleine an international brand.

"VISIT" quenches thirst

The oldest enterprise in Kazakhstan for the production of high-quality beverages is LLP "Soft drinks plant VIZiT". And this is one of the few companies in the country whose products not only quench their thirst, but also promote health. "We carefully preserve the glorious traditions of the past and, at the same time, we regularly modernize the technologies to meet the needs of the modern market", -  says plant manager Vilkim Zlavdinov.

Today, the company is equipped with automatic bottling lines produced in Germany, Russia, Ukraine and France, with a total capacity of 20,000 bottles per hour. Modernization of production allowed three times to increase production capacity and receive high quality products. The plant of non-alcoholic beverage "VIZiT" produces 15 million liters of beverages per year, supplying them to 9 regions of Kazakhstan.

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