
"Atameken" and associations will strengthen joint work

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Issues related to the interaction of associations with structural divisions were discussed at the site of Atameken

On 9th of August at "Atameken" a selectoral meeting was held with the participation of representatives of accredited associations at the National Chamber under the chairmanship of the managing director-director of the Department for Legislation and Development of Self-Regulation of NCE RK "Atameken" Aizhan Bizhanova.

More than 30 associations took part in the event.

During the meeting, issues related to the interaction of associations with Atameken's structural units during the issuance of an expert opinion on draft normative legal acts were discussed. They also discussed was the issue regarding the timing of the provision of comments on drafts of RLA (regulatory legal act) coming from NCE RK "Atameken". In particular, the associations announced the utopically short terms of consideration of the drafts of RLAs, established by the Law "On Legal Acts".

Lawmaking is a multifaceted process that requires a lot of time for studying statistics, conducting comparative analysis, monitoring, summarizing law enforcement practice and other measures aimed at the qualitative adoption of the "Laws".

"The requirements of the legislation regulating the preparation of expert opinions should not affect the quality of comments and proposals provided by associations to the drafts of RLAs, therefore, it is necessary to strengthen the work in the joint development of draft RLAs by business entities and state bodies", - Aizhan Bizhanova noted.

The meeting was held in the form of a constructive dialogue, appropriate recommendations were drawn up, which will be worked out jointly with Atameken and the associations.

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