
Time to collect robots

- City of Shymkent
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 A girl from Shymkent opened special courses

23-year-old Saodat Karimova won a grant in 3 million tenge

A graduate of the Business School and the Bastau Business program, Saodat Karimova won a grant of 3 million tenge in the competition for innovative projects and is now preparing to open an educational center for the production of robotics in Shymkent.

Her project has a long title - "Educational center for the assembly of smart robots to build a smart home." Saodat is sure that her center will be the first personal experience of popularizing engineering specialties among children. The degree of its success will affect in the future the choice of school graduates in favor of technical universities. The earlier schoolchildren try themselves in this area, the more likely they are to focus on the technical direction, which is currently short of staff, she said.

23-year-old Saodat Karimova, an economist, graduated from Nazarbayev University. The first place of work after graduation was the Chamber of Entrepreneurs of the South Kazakhstan Region.

"After working for six months in the Chamber, I absorbed a lot of useful things. There is always a lot of useful information about ongoing trainings, master classes where you can learn the basics of business for free", - Saodat shares. - Here I learned about opportunities for entrepreneurs within state programs. I learned how to use them to start my business. I always wanted to be an entrepreneur, but I did not have enough experience and knowledge. So I first studied at the business school, then the Bastau business program, and now I know how to start my business from the ground up, how to be legally and financially literate in entrepreneurship".

How did Saodat, being a certified economist, come to the idea with robots?

"This is a very common question asked by my former colleagues and friends", - says Saodat. - The fact is that the first year in Nazarbayev University I studied robotics. Then a year later she changed her profession to an economist. But all subsequent years of study, I continued to keep in touch with friends from the faculty of robotics. Now they construct quadrocopters, drones, machines, that is, they can collect from scratch everything that is connected with robots. They suggested that I open such an educational center. My friends will teach robotics in this center. They will teach children from seven years old and up. I thought, why not participate in the competition of innovative grants with such an idea? "

The main difference of her center from the already existing ones is that children collect robots here themselves, and after the study the trained child will take this toy with them. Through the remote control or an application in the smartphone, he will be able to control his machine. In existing centers, children are usually trained to simply collect and disassemble ready-made toys - based on lego. That is, they learn only basic things.

"And our children will gather from scratch themselves drones, magnetic keys and control panels for a smart home, robots, smart alarms, etc.", - Saodat says.

By the way, the collected cars will help them further to earn their living.

Experts of the South Kazakhstan Chamber of Entrepreneurs helped with the development of the business plan and the collection of documentation for participation in the contest. Grant money will be used to purchase computers, desks and electronic components and chips. Currently, negotiations are under way with the supplier of equipment, computers, 3D printers. It is difficult to overestimate the creation of such a center”, - says Saodat.

"In the process, the child learns new skills, such as design, learns to work in a team and find creative solutions. In the center children are taught independence of thinking, craving for experiments. I hope that everything we do will be the first step towards the development of these mechanisms in factories, on industrial sites in Southern Kazakhstan", - she says.

A young girl calls on her fellow countrymen to actively participate in the training organized by NCE RK "Atameken". Her project is the result of the well-coordinated work of the Chamber of Entrepreneurs of SKR and a group of like-minded people. A project that helps to realize a dream - to build a business from scratch.

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