
A business coach from Almaty region had to translate even into Chinese

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A project that enables you to start a business from scratch

Business trainer of the Bastau Business project from the Zhambyl district of the Almaty region Birzhan Serikov shared interesting facts about his activities.

"I came to this sphere absolutely by accident. For 5 years I engaged in office activities, then began to understand that I want to receive not only financial income, but also the pleasure of working. I saw an ad in Facebook about hiring of business trainers. I did not have experience, but the topics that should be taught about the basics of entrepreneurship were close to me. I was engaged in marketing and analytics, there are practical skills", - Birzhan Serikov said.

A total of 130 trainers participated in the recruitment in the Bastau Business program and 80 of them successfully completed training.

"We had interesting training. We were literally prepared psychologically and physically. In April we traveled to the regions. Currently, I have trained 3 waves, next week I will take the fourth group. Despite the fact that I'm young I like to teach people. For someone it's a program, maybe the only option to feel more confident tomorrow. Business coaches do a lot of psychological work, people are not motivated, there are many barriers. We initially create conditions for a person to understand the value of the project. I tell them: "These 20 days can change your life". Opportunities, of course, are different for everyone, but nevertheless they show good results", - the business coach said.

In the first group of 41 trained, 39 people successfully defended their business projects. In general, the themes of agriculture predominate, 20-25% - the provision of services, small production, furniture and mattress shops. The second group 41 people - 28 successfully defended. The third stream of 24 19 people are going to defend their business projects. 21 people have already received funding, the rest during the delivery of documents and filing of applications.

"A person comes with a certain idea, but it is blurred in his head. On the 20th day, when he has a business plan on his hands, he becomes completely different. This is a person who understands all the risks, the expense and income part, where the money comes from, the person who learned to count. This is probably the most important qualities that an entrepreneur should have. I care personally about everyone, this is a special feeling, for the sake of such emotions, and we have to work", - Birzhan Serikov shares.

Everyone faces various difficulties in the course of training. Note that 60-70% of students are adults.

"Young people are also interested in agriculture. Those guys who have not left for the city, stayed in the village they need to do something and this program is a good opportunity for them. We wrote somehow a business plan with a woman who moved from China a couple of years ago. She has a specific Kazakh, when I say something to her, she seems to understand me, but there were difficulties in business terminology. I had to write with the help of a laptop in Russian, translate into Chinese and include the pronunciation", - he cited.

Birzhan Serikov noted that often all the trainees hear only what they want to hear, that is, "a loan at 6%". But during the training they understand that not everything is so easy, it turns out there are many nuances.

"We make people to become realists, teach them to really look at things, it helps them in the future", - Birzhan stressed.

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