
Experts of North Kazakhstan region told how to form a personal and corporate brand

- North-Kazakhstan Region
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The third forum of the company "Cyber Kitchen" was held at the Chamber of Entrepreneurs of North Kazakhstan region in Petropavlovsk

During which the participants were told about the main elements of the brand and the sum of its identifiers.

"Cyber ​​Kitchen" is a platform for interaction of entrepreneurs and experts in the field of marketing. Today digital channels of communication have become an integral part of any advertising strategy. For each marketer and the head of the company it is important to respond in time to any changes in this area.

On the forms of the company "Cyber ​​Kitchen" the participants talked about Internet marketing tools and step-by-step algorithms for creating an effective online strategy for business, how to work with the basic tools of online marketing to increase sales and brand recognition.

"At first we did it in order to gather professionals of our business, who now have problems with customers. The designer, for example, does not always have an understanding with the client. We wanted to explain how this can be promoted in the market. Now we are creating an association. Forums are held in order to inform you in order to acquaint you with specialists in this industry. Now "Cyber ​​Kitchen" is ready to become a company that will offer you a range of services for SMM, creation of websites, mobile apps, design. Now we are entering the markets of Kazakhstan, Russia and Belarus. That is, experts are also drawn from these countries", - the company's representative Robert Beisenov said.

Specialists in this field shared their experience among them was Yuliya Zolkina - designer of the studio Archi Design. The speaker spoke about the company's style and about the mistakes that are made in this direction.

"Design is an individual representation of the brand. The main element of graphic design is the corporate style, i.e. a sum of company’s identifiers. Identification helps to distinguish your corporate identity among competitors. The client motivates to make an order, buy a product or contact your service for the presence of a corporate identity. Because the style is based on trust, identification makes the client to present your company as a status, serious, i.e. Anonymous companies will already be less interesting than companies that have a corporate identity", - Yuliya Zolkina said.

In addition, according to the designer, corporate identity is important in the formation of corporate thinking. As practice shows, working with employees of the company, which have a single style of office, clothes, etc., is much more effective. That is, subconsciously employees are motivated to solve common problems. Other speakers of the forum shared this and other useful secrets aimed at the successful promotion of business.

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