
VAT for participants in the free economic zone is a headache for a businessman

- Pavlodar Region
8037 просмотров

The conflicts in the legislation regarding the payment of VAT are hampered by the activities of participants of FEZ

The territory of the FEZ is designed to become a good platform for business development in the region. And here a particularly attractive condition is the envisaged tax preferences. However, in practice, entrepreneurs who have become its participants, face a number of difficulties.

One of them was told by Lashin Baimagambetova, the head of the department for the protection of entrepreneurs' rights and the reduction of administrative barriers under RCE. JSC Caustic addressed to the Regional Chamber on the issue of taxation in the calculation and offset of VAT for participants of FEZ.

According to Lashin Baimagambetova, according to Article 244 of RK Code "On Taxes and Other Mandatory Payments to the Budget", the sale of goods to the territory of FEZ is taxed at zero rate. However, when selling goods produced on the territory of the FEZ, a VAT exemption is not provided.

"In practice, the situation has become that the VAT became a headache for FEZ participants, because the zero rate is effective only when the participant purchases the necessary goods. In the case of the sale of own-made goods, it calculates VAT at a rate of 12%", - Lashin Baimagambetova noted.

In fact, in the course of its activities, an entrepreneur faced with an administrative barrier when the turnover of output VAT significantly exceeds turnover of input VAT.

"There is a difference between the two types of VAT - credit and accrued. Accordingly, all this significantly increases the tax burden on the entrepreneur", - Lashin Baimagambetova said.

A similar problem arose at one more Pavlodar enterprise - LLP "UPNK-PV". This partnership since 2012 is a participant in the free economic zone "Pavlodar" and also faced with the problem of taxation.

According to Lashin Baimagambetova, gaps in the legislation hamper entrepreneurial activity. And here the business claims are quite justified.

After studying this issue, the Chamber of Entrepreneurs prepared proposals for amending the Tax Code.

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