
He also noted that in many indicators in the rating of conditions for doing business, Kazakhstan holds leading positions. For example, investor protection.

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Peculiarities of Kazakh business are studied by entrepreneurs from Lithuania

Lithuanian businessmen walk through Almaty shops. They study goods and their quality. The guests intend to find interesting solutions for the development of joint business.

"We want to understand what the Kazakhs like and how we can promote our products in your market. For example, we saw in one of the shops bread with the name "Lithuanian". Bought, tried. I will say exactly - this is not Lithuanian bread. But there is a demand for it. So we can work in this direction. Lithuanian black bread is made without yeast, and is all-natural", - says the head of the International Relations Department of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Lithuania Angel Zokaytene.

This time representatives of Lithuanian companies for the production of water purification equipment, art glass and furniture arrived in Almaty. They noted that their companies work mainly for export. And Kazakhstan's position in the Doing Business rating appeals to them. The guests were also interested in the work experience of the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs of the Republic of Kazakhstan "Atameken". And they noticed that the main directions of work of the Chambers of both countries are very similar.

"Centers for servicing entrepreneurs only from the beginning of this year provided businessmen with 11 thousand free services. Of these, 600 is the preparation of business plans. We are proud that already 15% of those who have prepared the business plan have received funding: grants and loans on state programs", - director of the Chamber of Entrepreneurs Almaty Yuri Tleumuratov shared the experience with guests.

He also noted that by many indicators in the rating of conditions for doing business, Kazakhstan holds leading positions. For example, investor protection.

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