
The campaign "Atamekenim"

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"Together to make a step towards the future, change the public consciousness to become a single Nation of strong and responsible people" President of the Republic of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev

The National Chamber of Entrepreneurs of the Republic of Kazakhstan "Atameken" launched the nationwide campaign "Atamekenym". The campaign is a direct implementation of the program article of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev "Bolashak bagdar: rukhani zhangyru" and is aimed at system development of the culture of charity and social responsibility.

Head of state Nursultan Nazarbayev in his program article speaks about the importance of national patriotism as one of the most important bases of modernization. According to the President of the country, "We must find various forms of support and social respect that will help rural land, including a sponsorship mechanism". The National Chamber of Entrepreneurs, which is carrying out the campaign, intends to update the discussion on the role of business, the manifestation of its social responsibility for the development of rural areas, and the provision of targeted charitable assistance. The National Chamber developed a number of proposals to support entrepreneurial initiatives in this direction.

FIRST: The register of social problems The register will allow the Kazakhstanis, who need support and help, to leave an application online. Entrepreneurs will be able to respond to the request. The website will have a special button for feedback for those who leave the application, and for the entrepreneurs who want to provide support and assistance.

Together with the akimat of Pavlodar region, NCE RK "Atameken" in the pilot mode has already prepared the Register of social problems on the example of Ekibastuz and Shcherbakty region in the context of settlements. It included such problems as shortage of drinking water and repair of roads. The list will be publicly available, so that the entrepreneur could, in the form of PPPs, or otherwise help the population in these matters.

SECOND: Strengthening business motivation through moral incentives It is proposed to establish a state award "Paryz". The purpose of awarding is the high recognition of the contribution to the formation of culture and the promotion of charity, the implementation of charity programs and social projects, the provision of sponsorship, successful social entrepreneurship, the introduction of the principles of social responsibility.

We propose to improve the criteria for the Paryz competition. Perhaps, supplement the indicators of the international standard, which subsequently contributed to the entry of enterprises into world commodity markets.

Introduce the nomination "The Best Social Entrepreneur" for participation in solving social problems.

Proceeding from the world experience, it is proposed to assign own names of entrepreneurs to private objects of social infrastructure created by them in the process of charitable activity.

THIRD: Economic incentive measures for charity Currently in Kazakhstan, certain tax incentives are used to motivate businesses to socially responsible activities, in accordance with the Tax Code: taxpayers who were on the monitoring of large taxpayers - in the amount of a total amount not exceeding 3% of taxable income , taxpayers, with the exception of the above taxpayers, in the amount of a total amount not exceeding 4% of the taxable income. To date, it is necessary to monitor and evaluate the effectiveness of existing mechanisms for using benefits, as well as how charity affects the development of society. The campaign will become a platform where the business will be able to voice its proposals and recommendations on this issue.

THE FOURTH: Large-scale entrepreneurship training, with simultaneous growth of entrepreneurial consciousness In 2017-2021 NCE RK "Atameken" plans to teach 15,000 unemployed and self-employed entrepreneurs within the framework of the "Bastau Business" project, at least 3000 of which must open their business. According to the results of the first and third waves, 7835 people completed their training, more than 4986 of them defended their own business plans. By obtaining microcredits at 6 percent per annum, the business was launched or expanded by 1,374 participants. Business education, as well as business itself, is built on the principles of pragmatism. We are convinced that today it is necessary not only to train entrepreneurship, but also to form business thinking from the school bench. In this regard, NCE RK "Atameken" initiated the inclusion of the subject "Fundamentals of Entrepreneurship and Business" in the school curriculum. This initiative is supported by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Today, in cooperation with the Ministry of Education and Science, the curriculum "Foundations of Entrepreneurship and Business" has been written and next year the students of the 10th grade will be able to choose this subject for study. In the formation of a textbook on the basics of entrepreneurship, the business community will be able to take a direct part!                                                         

INFORMATION FIELDS OF "ATAMEKENIM" CAMPAIGN The National Chamber of Entrepreneurs of RK launched a thematic public group on Facebook - "Atameken – SPREAD KINDNESS!" Which unites people who show social responsibility, businessmen ready to help solve society's problems. Following the results of the campaign and the Forum, Atameken will form a package of proposals to stimulate the business to display social responsibility and submit it for consideration to the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

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