
Exporters are asked to shorten the term for issuing quarantine certificates.

- Akmola Region
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Exporters are asked to shorten the term for issuing quarantine certificates. Products of LLP Kunarly on the flower market of Kazakhstan have long occupied their niche. In the greenhouse complex, roses and tulips have been grown since 2007. Every year 5.5 million colors are produced here, 10% of the products are exported. And Stepnogorsk roses have become a kind of brand. Thanks to the greenhouse technology, it grows about 20 varieties of roses of different colors: white, red, cream, bicolor, pink, yellow. However, according to the general director of the enterprise Natalia Nam, from time to time the production of flowers is under threat.

 And it's a complicated and lengthy procedure for obtaining quarantine and phytosanitary certificates, she assures. "Inspection of each refrigerator car with the product sometimes lasts from three to five days. In view of the physiological characteristics of the growth of roses, it is impossible to predict the collection of qualitatively ripened flowers in a short time. In addition, on Saturdays it is impossible to obtain the required certificates.

In this situation, it is very difficult to sort the products required by the buyers of the batch, which greatly complicates the work on the export of flowers", - says Natalya Nam. The entrepreneur also believes that changes in the rules on quarantine and phytosanitary requirements imposed on the customs border are not brought to the exporters on time and are not available in public sources. From the official letter of the State Inspectorate Committee in the agrarian and industrial complex (MoA RK) to the regional chamber, it follows that all requirements for inspection and reduction of the terms for issuing certificates are regulated by regulatory documents that came into force on 1st of July this year. (Uniform Quarantine Phytosanitary Requirements, Unified List of Quarantine Objects, Unified Rules and Norms for Providing Plant Quarantine), and also the Law "On Plant Quarantine". "Limiting the list of products when moving it at the customs border is, of course, the right norm. It is quite understandable with respect to food, mushrooms, legumes, etc. But, I think, for first-class flower products, the release of which, by the way, is provided with advanced technologies and high-performance equipment, an exception can be made. The competence of the authorized body is to meet the only exporter of flower products in the region and support the domestic producer", - Valentina Gerashchenko, deputy director of RCE, in her turn believes.


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