
Shymkent business with German accent

- City of Shymkent
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Foreign experts will teach Kazakh entrepreneurs the subtleties of restaurant and hotel services

Hospitality sphere specialists from Germany Kai-Uwe Döhler within two weeks will help the management of Shymkent hotel "Kanvas" to establish the work of individual services and significantly improve the service and ergonomics of hotel rooms. He advises paying attention to the shortcomings and placing an emphasis on the merits. Mr. Kai-Uwe is a professional who is fully versed in the hotel business, with solid experience and credible track record. Today he is the owner of the hotel business in Germany, but he started his career forty years ago, from the age of six, at his parents' restaurant.

"Mr. Kai-Uwe is invited by the program "Senior Professionals", which implies the exchange of foreign experience in this or that sphere. The program includes a two-week consultation to raise the efficiency of business", - said Daniyar Darmen, head of the non-financial business support department of the Chamber of Entrepreneurs of SKR.

 -The tool "Senior Professionals "for businessmen is very convenient. After all, it not only allows you to use the knowledge of foreign specialists to solve specific problems (be it the introduction of new technologies in production or the improvement of management methods), but it is also practically inexpensive for finance. Their arrival is paid by the republican budget under the program "Road map of business". The Chamber of Entrepreneurs is implementing this project". According to the general manager of the hotel Bakhyt Sagyndykov, such experience is very important for local entrepreneurs and helps to look at new ways for many moments of doing business.

"The industry of first-class hotel business in Kazakhstan is just developing, so the invitation of specialists from abroad is very important for us", - he said. - We need experienced staff. But not everything that they offer can be completely and completely absorbed. It is necessary to take into account some features of our culture, mentality. The main task of the arrival of such specialists is to help us improve the level of service. The German expert teaches us to look at all things from the point of view of the client, - says Bakhyt Sagyndykov. "During the first two days of his stay, Mr. Kai-Uwe has already modified our bar to his taste". The person who used the services of the hotel should be satisfied with their quality - the principle of Mr. Kai-Uwe's work. This year, nine applications for the invitation of experts were received from South Kazakhstan region. The program can be attended by any entrepreneur who wants to bring the experience of foreign specialists into his work. The application must be left at the Chamber of Entrepreneurs of SKR.


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