
A new cluster of IT industry was opened in Almaty

- City of Almaty
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Cluster on training and certification of personnel for the IT industry opened in Almaty.

A roundtable on "Expanding the powers of employers to develop corporate governance in the training system" was held in FEZ "Park of Innovative Technologies". Heads of Almaty colleges, representatives of profile associations and experts of the Chamber of Entrepreneurs of Almaty gathered to discuss problems of professional education.

"The system of technical vocational education should be closely related to the digital format. And we are talking not only about the training of personnel, who are related to the IT industry. Training of specialists in any college in any specialty should be based on IT-technologies. Today we are opening a new cluster. This is another step towards increasing the competitiveness of our graduates. For the first time in Kazakhstan, the education system and business was united to create an infrastructure for improving the quality of training. The industry cluster is based on the principle of network training. The main link in any cluster is the industry association", - said Vira Tzing, head of the human capital development department of the Chamber of Entrepreneurs in Almaty.

She also noted that any cluster is a multifunctional structure that includes educational programs, independent certification, the introduction of digital technologies, monitoring of the labor market, the formation and placement of state orders, internships in production and assistance in employment.

"The employer needs specialists who meet his requirements. Therefore, at the release it is necessary that the assessment be given by the employer to the specialist. The network of industry certification centers is developing on two basic principles: branch content and independence from the education system. Today, the city has 12 certification centers. More than 5,000 college graduates have already successfully certified in them. Cluster of IT industry is called upon not only to develop and implement new digital technologies, but also to help us develop this direction in all other colleges. The new cluster will operate on the basis of the Central Asian Technical-Economic and Polytechnic Colleges", - Vera Tzing stressed. The president of the Association of Innovative Companies FEZ "PIT" Amirret Konysbaev shared his observation that a lot of students are leaving to study in Russia today. In order not to lose the best "heads" and "hands" Amirat Konysbaev suggests our country to integrate more into the "Work Skills" movement. "Work Skills" today unites 76 countries around the world. This is a multi-level system, encompassing students from 10 to 28 years. They not only actively develop vocational education, but also study future competencies, what will be used in the future. Russia and Belarus are actively involved in the movement. And it should be noted that they have advanced in the training of personnel far ahead", - Amirat Konysbaev said.

Participants of the round table noted that it would be pointless to try to modernize the system of training personnel, if the masters of industrial training and teachers of special. disciplines themselves have not seen new technologies and do not know how to use them in their work. It is necessary to update the teaching equipment in colleges, possibly involving the business. An excellent platform for industrial practice can serve as the Park of Innovative Technologies.

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