
What is important to know for the entrepreneur, or business on the "red lines"

- Pavlodar Region
7624 просмотров

How not to get on the "red lines" when planning business in the city, the solution to this issue were considered at a meeting of the Regional Council

Deputy Director of RCE Madi Syzdykov voiced the essence of the issue, which is that entrepreneurs face certain problems in the course of implementing their ideas, namely with the issue of provision of a business object with the necessary engineering and communication infrastructure and reflecting the red line to regulate the construction boundaries.

"Lack of necessary information on the main directions of infrastructure development and urban development of the city creates obstacles for planning or expanding the existing business. In addition, many of the city's commercial facilities were built in accordance with permitting procedures, but without taking into account the red line. All this, of course, causes concern and raises a number of questions among entrepreneurs", - Madi Syzdykov says.

It should be noted that earlier on the Regional Chamber's platform, representatives of the business environment and local executive bodies studied the draft Decree of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On the General Plan of the City of Pavlodar".

During the discussion of the draft resolution, businessmen were told that at present an agreement has been concluded with JSC "National Company" Kazakhstan Karysh Sapary ", which will conduct an inventory of land, the state of engineering networks, water protection zones and town planning documentation for the city of Pavlodar.

At the same time, entrepreneurs expressed concern over the fact that the presented document does not indicate red lines, in addition, the question arises who should develop a detailed design plan.

Members of the Regional Council unanimously agreed that entrepreneurs need guarantees in planning their business.

"By building this or that commercial structure, a businessman needs a firm conviction that after a time there will not be a superposition of red lines and the rights of a bona fide entrepreneur will not be violated", - said the chairman of the Regional Council, Raikhangul Satabayeva.

Following the meeting, the Regional Council decided to come up with a proposal to consider the possibility of posting on the Internet resource of the local executive body information on the planned expansion of the city's engineering and communications infrastructure and reflecting the current red line. In addition, when developing a plan for detailed planning and inventory of buildings , it is necessary to consider the red line, taking into account the existing buildings of business facilities.

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